He served in the military. He loves his country. He wears his American heritage with pride . He stands behind a constitution that he swore to uphold.
And his daughter is is pride and joy.
He's a welder and a blacksmith.
He works for himself doing odd jobs that he finds, from mechanic work on vehicles, to welding and as a hobby black smithing, making art out of horseshoes.
Lady liberty become a mascot for the Refuge that the world will never forget.
Duane rode his horse, Lady Liberty, at the Refuge with an American flag and she became a symbol of the freedom that was being fought for . (Justice and liberty for all.)
If it hadn't been for a bought out media who were being controlled by corrupt federal government agenda , the rest of the world would have come to stand up for the Hammond family also .
After the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum , Duane rode his pony out to the road block and turned himself in to the FBI who arrested him and impounded his his horse .
Duane did get his horse, Lady Liberty, back after he received pre trial release from the court.
Duane is now awaiting a jury trial that is to begin February 14, 2017 in federal court in Portland, Oregon. The government hopes to convict Duane and others of the same crimes that the jury found the ones the government considered as being the leaders, not guilty of.
Duane needs all the support he can get in this trying time . He needs to know we stand with him.
By John lamb