on January 12, 2016, according to the Oregonian, A self-proclaimed “U.S. Superior Court judge”, Bruce Doucette, who has been involved in past property rights protests in other states arrived Tuesday in Burns with plans to convene an extra-legal “citizens grand jury” that he said will review evidence that public officials may have committed crimes. http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/01/self-appointed_judge_arrives_i.html
On January 12, 2016, it was reported by The Oregonian, that a self-proclaimed “U.S. Superior Court judge”, Bruce Doucette, who has been involved in past property rights protests in other states arrived Tuesday in Burns with plans to convene an extra-legal “citizens grand jury” that he said will review evidence that public officials may have committed crimes.
Bruce Doucette, Is reported as being indicted today, the following article publish by the Boulder Daily Camera.
‘People’s Grand Jury’ accused of threatening elected officials, judges across Boulder County and Colorado

Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett shakes the hand of Commissioner Cindy Domenico after a swearing-in ceremony last year. Garnett, Domenico and Commissioners Elise Jones, left, and Deb Gardner, center right, are among the victims listed in an indictment of eight members of the self-proclaimed “People’s Grand Jury” on allegations they threatened elected officials and judges across Colorado. (Paul Aiken / Staff Photographer)
Victims in case include Boulder County’s DA, sheriff and county commissioners
By Mitchell Byars
Boulder Daily Camera POSTED:04/07/2017 11:08:28 AM MDT
Eight Colorado residents who were part of what they dubbed the “People’s Grand Jury” have been indicted on allegations they threatened dozens of elected officials and judges across the state, including Boulder County’s sheriff, district attorney and county commissioners.
Members of the group, according to the state grand-jury indictment released today, are accused of threatening officials with arrest on treason charges, filing false liens against them and distributing flyers near some of the officials’ homes when court cases involving the defendants did not go their way.
Brian Baylog, Janis Blease, Steven Byfield, David Coffelt, Bruce Doucette, Laurence Goodman, Stephen Nalty and Harlan Smith were indicted on counts including violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act, attempting to influence a public servant, extortion, retaliation against a judge, criminal impersonation, failure to pay taxes and offering a false instrument for recording.
According to the indictment — which was returned March 30, but not released by the Colorado Attorney General’s Office until today — the eight defendants are accused of being “part of a long-term scheme and endeavor to initially attempt to influence various Colorado-based public servants… who in their legal capacities had responsibilities related to a legal matter which involved a member of this enterprise.”
The indictment said that when cases involving one of the defendants did not go his or her way, other members would “engage in a methodical series of actions and statements specifically targeting the… public servants who had a designated role of some form” in the case.
The officials contacted by the defendants and named as victims in the case are from several jurisdictions, including Boulder, Denver, Jefferson, Pueblo and Gilpin counties.
The officials from Boulder County who were named as victims include Sheriff Joe Pelle, District Attorney Stan Garnett, Judge Karolyn Moore and all three county commissioners.
Some of the other reported victims include former Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey, Pueblo County District Attorney Jeff Chostler and Gilpin County Sheriff Bruce Hartman, along with numerous prosecutors, public defenders, judges and even a coroner.
Arrest warrants were issued for all eight defendants, with bond amounts ranging from $350,000 to $100,000.
The racketeering charges are Class 2 felonies that could carry a prison sentence of eight to 24 years.
Mitchell Byars: 303-473-1329, [email protected] or twitter.com/mitchellbyars
Bruce Doucette, along with Anna Von Rietz, Gary Darby and others, have been committing planning treason themselves.
Continental Court System of the united States
Four Corners Doctrine
“Attempts to influence a public servant” – ummm, otherwise known as writing letters
and filing motions.
All of the above mentioned “victims”, the “public servants” (truly they are self servants), kidnapped and illegally incarcerated a friend of the listed defendants. They arrested her for violating a restraining order of which she was unaware, and then in jail served her with a restraining order on which says “no notice need be given.” I also saw a document stating a statute under which she was being charged- the statute was repealed many years ago and does not exist, and this is confirmed by notarized letters from two congress people.
And for asserting her rights, she was given three years in county jail, although statute says county jail can not be given that long.
These people are being persecuted for standing up for their rights and for defending the Constitution and legislative law. The real criminals are the “public servants” who are utilizing their positions to thwart the discovery of their own unlawful and malicious behavior.
The same judge held me without bond for over 8 months on a misdemeanor charge that was dropped due to the exculpatory evidence that the same group of prosecutors hid. She committed fraud by signing documents “district court” while she is a county judge and I was in county court. The court declared I was incompetent to proceed after a competency evaluator made up lies for which I was never able to defend against in any hearing. County judges have no jurisdiction over restoration to competency ( CO statute 13-6-105) – judge Moore acted without jurisdiction and the prosecutors ignored my motions, hid exculpatory evidence (although I wrote three motions to compel it), and allowed the Boulder courtroom to conduct heinously illegal actions- all against their attorney oaths and the should-be-ethics of a public servant.
After all proceedings were done I was assigned a public defender who didn’t even have his BAR license yet ( oh yeah, I was denied a lawyer after firing the student law clinic who lied to me in order to coerce me into a plea bargain. Moore did not inquire into why I fired the student law clinic- there is plenty of case law on this- and denied me a public defender although my income was way under federal poverty guidelines.)
I have two bachelors degrees, traveled the world, bought a large property at a young age, have extensive and varied work experience, and had been going back to school for pre-med and a masters degree – I was approximately 8 credits from finishing my masters degree when this misdemeanor charge took almost two years in court (over 8 of those months locked up)- and then they dropped the case based on information they had days after my arrest.
Case #2014M1605 in Boulder County- check it out if you want to doubt.
The woman being illegally jailed – Charlene VonSchliesen, her case started September 2014.
This is public information- she is being held with fraudulent documents and on statutes that don’t exist.
The above defendants in this article are innocent.
Are reporters required to research and act in due diligence before reporting?
Excerpt from “Boulder County Blues”
Innocent til guilty isn’t really true
In Boulder Colorado you’ll be wearing blue
Victims at large become the criminals today
And the society that rapes them they just get away
Lindsey Asselin