Jury in Bunkerville standoff case to resume deliberations Monday

The Bundy Ranch on Sunday, July 30, 2017, near Bunkerville. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is in the area to discuss the review of Nevada’s Gold Butte and the Basin and Range national monuments. Rachel Aston Las Vegas Review-Journal @rookie__rae

By David Ferrara Las Vegas Review-Journal August 17, 2017

After more than two days of deliberation, jurors are expected to return Monday in the retrial of four men facing federal charges in the 2014 armed standoff in Bunkerville.

On Tuesday, the panel of six women and six men started deliberating the charges against Idaho men Steven Stewart, Scott Drexler and Eric Parker, and Montana resident Ricky Lovelien. Jurors were sent home at about 4:30 p.m. Thursday and are expected to resume deliberations Monday morning, defense attorneys said.

During closing arguments this week, prosecutors pointed to social media posts in which the men discussed the activities in the rural Nevada town, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. On a video played for jurors, rancher Cliven Bundy spoke to a crowd outside his ranch, encouraging his followers to do what they needed to do to retrieve his cattle from the Bureau of Land Management.

The defendants, charged as gunmen, are accused of driving from other states to Bunkerville in April 2014 to support Bundy, who is accused of conspiring to thwart the federal government’s roundup of roughly 1,000 cows from public land.

Earlier this year, members of another jury declared that they were deadlocked on all counts against the four defendants but convicted two others.

During the second trial, U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro barred the defense from referencing constitutional rights to freely assemble and to bear arms. She also prohibited mention of alleged misconduct or excessive force by law enforcement.

Posted in BLM, Bundy Ranch, Court, LV Review Journal, News.

Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.

One Comment

  1. Judge Navarro should be removed from the bench! She has raped the Rule of Law and thrown it out of her Kangaroo Court! It is obvious to anyone following this case that the defense and defendants case was either from the jury and in no stretch of reason did they receive a fair trial!
    Hopefully the jury is conscientiously finding their way to a unanimous Not Guilty!
    This judge seems to have made a deal with someone or some entity that really wants control of the Bundy,s land just as occurred with The Hammonds!
    Praying for this Jury!!

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