Runaway Jury in Bunkerville Retrial?

August 7, 2017 Redoubt News

Runaway Jury in Bunkerville Retrial?

By Shari Dovale

The prosecution came to their expected final witness today in the Bunkerville Retrial in Las Vegas.

FBI Special Agent Willis continued the slow progression of presenting hundreds of repeated photographs in his attempt to define a timeline for the jury.

AUSA Myhre took him through extremely tedious testimony while the spectators and jury made every attempt to stay focused. Myhre does seem to have perfected the soporific art of direct examination.

Cross examination began late this afternoon with Rich Tanasi, attorney for Steven Stewart, walking the witness through to admission that the only time Stewart was seen holding his firearm above the concrete jersey barrier was after the BLM had left the area.

It was noticed by all parties today that the jury has made a fashion statement for the third time during this trial.

12 of 15 jurors came into the courtroom wearing red clothes. The defense asked the judge to question them, as there have been previous instances where they were unusually color coordinated. Once the majority were dressed in green, and another day they were dressed in blue.

The defense showed concern as the jury seemed to be dressed like a “team” and wanted them questioned as to whether they had already made up their mind on this case.

Judge Gloria Navarro had indeed noticed, as she was able to cite exactly the type of dress the dissenters were wearing. However, she opted not to question the jurors as she wasn’t sure how to ask them without embarrassment.

The one point that was noticed by the spectators, yet not mentioned by the court, was that the US Marshal sitting next to the jury box was wearing a dark red tie, perfectly coordinated with the jury.

Dennis Michael Lynch, the FOX News reporter that testified in the first trial, is recovering from a medical procedure that is keeping him from traveling. However, Judge Navarro has indicated that he will be allowed to SKYPE his testimony later this week.

The prosecution is expected to rest their case on Tuesday, August 8th, and the defense should begin theirs by Wednesday. The defense case is not expected to take as long as the prosecution’s case. The jury could reasonably receive this case in a week to 10 days.


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Posted in BLM, Bundy Ranch, Court, FBI, III%, Land, News, Redoubt News.

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