Hyperloop One Claims First Successful Test, Pulls Two ‘G’s In Nevada Desert

JUL 12, 2017 - Eric Mack - Forbes

Hyperloop One says it has successfully sent a vehicle inspired by Elon Musk's near-supersonic transit concept down its 'DevLoop' test track using magnetic levitation for the first time.

The company claims this amounts to "the world's first full systems Hyperloop test in a vacuum environment," via a release sent to reporters Wednesday.

The test saw a sled coast down a track for just over 5 seconds, reaching 70 miles per hour and a level of acceleration that falls somewhere between a Bugatti and an amusement park ride. It doesn't look like much, but the company says they've achieved their phase one target goal and the next phase will target speeds of 250 mph.

"By achieving full vacuum, we essentially invented our own sky in a tube, as if you're flying at 200,000 feet in the air," said co-founder Shervin Pishevar. "For the first time in over 100 years, a new mode of transportation has been introduced. Hyperloop is real, and it's here now."


The company says all system components, including motor, suspension, magnetic levitation and braking worked as designed.

At the same time, Hyperloop One unveiled the look of its pod prototype, which resembles a bullet train car measuring 28 feet long.

Hyperloop One is among a few other startups competing to commercialize the technology that was open-sourced by Musk a few years ago. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is also hard at work on its own passenger capsule in France.

Posted in Forbes, Land, News, Science.

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