Dan Love on Witness List for Hearing

Dan Love on Witness List for HearingIT IS VITAL TO FIND OUT WHAT THE BLM WAS HIDING.

by Shari Dovale

During the October 3rd Calendar call for the Bunkerville Protest trial, defendant Ryan Payne asked for, and was granted, an evidentiary hearing surrounding the shredding of documents pertaining to the Gold Butte Impoundment Operation.

As part of the hearing, Payne has requested to subpoena several witnesses, including Special Agent in Charge Daniel P. Love.

During the previous trials, Judge Gloria Navarro has upheld the government’s hiding of the discredited SAC Love and refused to allow him to be called in her courtroom. However, an evidentiary hearing is a bit different, specifically in that the jury will not be witnessing the testimony.

It will be interesting if she will order Love to testify, and whether she will attempt to control what the defense will ask him.

Daniel Love was found to have violated federal ethics rules by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). However, it was his testimony to the Grand Jury that was the driving factor for the indictments against the Bunkerville defendants.

When the investigation began, Judge Gloria Navarro ruled that Love could not be asked to testify. She does not want any evidence of government misconduct to be presented to the jury.

The government has already been shown to be less than ethical, and the court has backed them up on all of their bad behavior.

The shredding of documents has been glossed over by the prosecution, yet it is vital to find out what the BLM was hiding. The court seems to think that testimony of those that committed this offense, saying it was nothing important, should be a given for the jury.

Part of the jury’s job is to weigh the credibility of all the witnesses. However, the court has made every attempt to force the jury to see things their way. The jury has not been fooled, as yet, and I don’t think this latest ruse by the prosecution will change their opinion.

ICP communications director Toni Suminski is also being asked to testify. Suminski testified previously that she had shredded garbage bags full of documents concerning Operation Gold Butte saying it was “routine” for her to do that.

Additionally, Suminski testified that certain recordings of transmissions between agents were lost after the the hard drive running the recording software had mysteriously come un-plugged during the protest on April 12, 2014.

Case 2-16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2613 Filed 10:04:17 Page 1 - 4

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Posted in #GoogleDanLoveBLM, Bundy Ranch, Court, News, Redoubt News, Ryan Payne.

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