It has been rumored that the Bundy Families have engaged a professional Public Relations expert to provide once-daily Trial Updates during the upcoming trial. These updates are expected to be shorter and more concise than typical updates that we have seen in the past and by others. It is understood, that it is not desired to replace others that have been providing updates in the past or recently.
The intent is to, provide not only an official source, but also a shorter and more to the point update that can be viewed quickly and not require a viewer to listen more than a few minutes. They are encouraging others to continue and do as they have been, as there is also an audience that needs and wants a more detailed commentary.
It Matters How You Stand, on our facebook page is committed to sharing these specific updates live. As well we will be archiving them for reference on our website.
We will also be archiving other sources on the website as well. If anyone live feeding on the trial, is interested in having a dedicated archive area on the site please contact us at [email protected].
It has always been our intention to be a resource for all aspects of the patriot movement perspectives and would be willing to provide a fair resource of various perspectives while not necessarily requiring our support of the opinions represented. We will reserve the right to only accept professional and respectful commentary, as we believe that the best discussion and dialog is achieved through the respectful presentation of views and opinions and that are not attacking character and the personas we believe that true discussion or learning can be achieved in. such an environment.
People can follow our facebook page at It Matters How You Stand. Be sure to turn on notifications for our live feeds while you are there.