Pete Santilli Accepts Felony Plea Deal

Pete Santilli Accepts Felony Plea Deal


by Shari Dovale

Pete Santilli’s attorney dropped a bombshell in a Las Vegas courtroom today when he stated that his client has reached a plea agreement with the government.

Chris Rasmussen, Santilli’s attorney, also withdrew every motion their team has filed based on the plea deal.

The agreement includes Santilli agreeing to a Felony count of obstruction of justice, based on his blocking a BLM truck prior to the Bunkerville standoff.

Santilli will receive ‘time served’ and is expected to be released within the next few days. No other details have been released for this deal.

Defense teams are scrambling to preserve Santilli’s motions and subpoenas related to the upcoming trial, as it is scheduled for jury selection to begin next week.

In related events, Ryan Payne has withdrawn his request to represent himself at the upcoming trial. Payne originally filed a late night motion to represent himself due to his disagreement with his court-appointed attorneys attempt to sever his case from that of Ryan Bundy.

Attorneys for Eric Parker and Scott Drexler had joined Payne’s attorneys in that motion.

Ryan Bundy and his brother Ammon were not at the hearing today. They did not participate in the ‘strip search’ before leaving the Pahrump facilities. Additionally, they did not take part in the hearing via telephone. We were told that they had the phones made available to them, yet they chose not to participate in this manner.

A Faretta hearing had been scheduled today for Ryan Bundy, in which it would be determined if he was competent to represent himself in this case. That hearing was rescheduled for Friday, Oct. 6th.

Judge Gloria Navarro made it clear today that if these two defendants were not in attendance, either in person or by telephone, she would take that as a waiving of their rights. Navarro would expect to rule that Ryan would not be allowed to represent himself as he will be showing that he cannot follow the rules of the court.


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Posted in Bundy Ranch, Court, News, Pete Santilli Show, Redoubt News.

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