With the recent events in Las Vegas on 10-1-2017 and the trial postponed the defendants in the Bundy Trials were offered an opportunity to submit additional questions for a follow-up jury questioner. Below are the questions submitted so far.
Supplemental questions
1. Since the time you filled out the lengthy questionnaire for this case, a tragedy has occurred on
October 1, 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas. Do you know anyone who
was killed or harmed in the mass shooting?
Yes No If yes, please explain:
2. Were you or anyone you know involved in offering assistance to people there – such as a first
responder, law enforcement, medicine, first aid, search and rescue, a helping hand, etc.?
Yes No If yes, please explain
3. Have you attended any memorials or gatherings? Yes No If yes, please explain
4. How has your life been impacted by the shooting and disruption in Las Vegas, emotionally
psychologically, physically, and economically?
5. If you have children, how have you explained the shooting to your children?
6. Has the recent Harvest Music Festival shooting caused you to change your views at all about gun
ownership, including semi-automatic weapons?
Yes No Please explain
7. In what ways, if any, has the mass shooting effected how you think about this case involving the
Bundy family and their supporters’ confrontation with government employees including law
enforcement, FBI, and BLM?
8. Although the case involving the Bundy family and their supporters has nothing to do with the mass
shooting at the Harvest Music Festival, are you going to be uncomfortable sitting in court with
these defendants, based on the charges brought against them? Yes No Please explain
Additional Proposed Juror Questions from A. Bundy
Since the time you filled out the lengthy questionnaire for this case, a tragedy has occurred on
October 1, 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas.
1. Do you know anyone who was killed or harmed in the mass shooting? Yes or No. If yes,
please explain:
2. Were you or anyone you know involved in offering assistance to people there – such as a
first responder, law enforcement, medicine, first aid, search and rescue, a helping hand,
etc.? Yes or No. If yes, please explain:
3. Have you attended any memorials or gatherings? Yes or No If yes, please explain
4. How has your life been impacted by the shooting and disruption in Las Vegas,
emotionally psychologically, physically, and economically?
5. If you have children, how have you explained the shooting to your children?
6. Has the recent Harvest Music Festival shooting caused you to change your views at all
about gun ownership, including semi-automatic weapons? Yes or No, Please explain.
7. In what ways, if any, has the mass shooting effected how you think about this case
involving the Bundy family and their supporters’ confrontation with government
employees including law enforcement, FBI, and BLM?
8. Although the case involving the Bundy family and their supporters has nothing to do with
the mass shooting at the Harvest Music Festival, are you going to be uncomfortable
sitting in court with these defendants, based on the charges brought against them?
Yes or No. Please explain:
9. How would you describe your position on firearms or guns?
A) Supporter of gun rights, B) Neutral on gun rights, C) Opponent of gun rights
10. After the recent shootings in Las Vegas do you feel more strongly that gun control laws
should be implemented? Yes or No.
11. After the recent shootings in Las Vegas do you agree with the recent op-eds in Salon, the
New York Times and Rolling Stone calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment?
Yes or No.
12. Considering recent events in Las Vegas, do you believe America has a gun culture
problem? Yes or No.
13. Are citizen militias part of that problem? Yes or No.
14. Will the recent events in Las Vegas make it more difficult for you to sit as a juror in a
case that deals heavily with firearms and the second amendment? Yes or No.
15. After the recent events in Las Vegas do you believe it will be harder for you to be
objective about a case involving the use of guns and a militia? Yes or No.
16. Have you heard any news recently having to do with this case? Yes or No?
17. Have you heard any news recently about Cliven Bundy, Ammon Bundy or Ryan Bundy?
18. Will having to sit on a jury through three major holidays affect your ability to be a juror?
19. Will having to sit on a jury through three major holidays cause you to have hard feelings
for the Defendants?
20. Do you support the recent designation of Gold Butte as a National Monument?
A) Yes, B) No, C) Undecided, D) Never heard of it
21. Do you have feelings about people who consider themselves “constitutionalists” or
“constitutional” activists? Yes or No. Please explain.
22. Do you believe that if the government charges a person with a crime that it is more likely
than not that they have done something wrong? Yes or No.
23. Have you participated in a protest? Yes or No.
24. Have you read the Declaration of Independence?
25. Are you a religious person?
26. How often do you attend religious services?
A) Regularly, B) Occasionally, C) Seldom D) Never
27. Have the recent events in Las Vegas affected how often you attend religious services?
A) More likely to attend, B) Less likely to attend, C) No effect
28. What community, civic, social, union, professional, fraternal, political, religious,
environmental, or recreational organizations do you and/or your spouse or partner belong
to, or have belonged to recently (e.g., Parent-Teacher Association, Kiwanis, American
Legion, Sierra Club, etc.)?
29. What are your hobbies?
Case 2-16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2652-1 Filed 10:10:17 Page 1 - 5