Reporter Pete Santilli Accepts Plea Deal in Bundy Ranch Case

If you have been following the Bundy Ranch trials, then you are familiar with reporter Peter Santilli, who face a plethora of trumped up charges against him that could have ended him up in prison for life.

The week, the Marine veteran, accepted a plea deal that allowed him to be freed from the Southern Nevada Detention Center.

Redoubt News reports:

Pete Santilli’s attorney dropped a bombshell in a Las Vegas courtroom today when he stated that his client has reached a plea agreement with the government.

Chris Rasmussen, Santilli’s attorney, also withdrew every motion their team has filed based on the plea deal.

The agreement includes Santilli agreeing to a Felony count of obstruction of justice, based on his blocking a BLM truck prior to the Bunkerville standoff.

Santilli will receive ‘time served’ and is expected to be released within the next few days. No other details have been released for this deal.

Early this morning, I spoke to Santilli via phone and he was indeed released and spoke of how good it felt to be free again.  The vast majority of that conversation was off the record, but there is no doubt that he did what he thought was right considering the odds against him.

As we reported earlier, the corruption of Judge Navarro, the prosecution led by Steven Myhre and the lies that surround government land grabs and unconstitutional agencies enforcing those land grabs make it nearly impossible for someone to get a fair hearing in a trial.

Couple that with the fact that for people like Cliven Bundy, the jury was essentially tampered with when the Democrat Party of Nevada mailed nearly three-quarters of a million flyer to citizens of Nevada that falsely claimed Mr. Bundy was connected to the Las Vegas cop killers, Jared and Amanda Miller.

Consider also that the prosecution was seeking to basically rid Santilli of his First Amendment rights to free speech, restrictions on what he could and could not say to defend himself and yet, they were seeking to use some of the things that they didn’t want Santilli top present in court against him.

The plea deal comes after 18 months in jail without a conviction.  Obviously, the government believes that if you lean on people long enough and hard enough, they are willing to plea to a deal that will get them their freedom back.

In contemplating the plea bargain, Gary Hunt at Outpost of Freedom, whom I have great respect for, presents several lines of thought and concludes:

When I was younger, I found myself holding a firearm in protecting rights, though I never found cause to use them.  I have also been encouraged to use the sword of words, the Pen, as I have been doing since Waco.

If I found myself in the circumstances that those patriots have found themselves in, I can only speculate what course I would take.  If I chose to take a chance that the courts in this country can serve justice, and I lost — facing thirty years — well, my children are grown but then I would be 100 years old when I got out (I would probably die in prison).  Of course, in prison, I would still have access to a keyboard, so I could continue to wage the battles that I now wage, though access to events would be severely limited.  However, if I could get out after only a few years, I could remain a part of the patriot community, and quite possibly continue pretty much as I have for the past few decades.

However, if I were younger, the considerations would be different from what I would face, now.  If I had young children, would I be willing to forgo helping and watching them grow?  With thirty years, I would miss the birth of my grandchildren.  When I consider what is most important to me, it is family, then country, to which I have made my commitment.  So, unless and until I find myself in that circumstance, I can honestly say that I can only guess at what choice I would make.

Now, back to those who have chosen to plea.  I don’t wear their shoes, and I am grateful for that.  I am also grateful for them, as they did what had to be done, when it had to be done.  Not many of us can say that we, too, did what had to be done, when it needed to be done.

Nor do I wear your shoes, so I will not partake in speculation as to what you would, or should, do if you found yourself in such a situation as they have.  First, most who will read this have not taken a single step in that direction.  Second, your particular circumstances, especially with your family, are an unknown to me.  I can only say that so long as you did not turn state’s evidence, I would respect your decision, as you, not I, have to live with it.

Santilli has not turned state’s evidence and expresses his concern and support for the other men he was imprisoned with.

Yet, according to Redoubt News, “Defense teams are scrambling to preserve Santilli’s motions and subpoenas related to the upcoming trial, as it is scheduled for jury selection to begin next week.”

In other words, all the work that Pete Santilli and his attorney did will not be in vain and might even be helpful to the defendants.

The trial of the Bundys and others is still scheduled and unless something happens, those men are about to face the government on trump up charges against them.

Santilli had similar charges in Oregon last year dismissed after he reported and live streamed what was taking place at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

The Bundys were acquitted on all charges.

Scott Drexler and Eric Parker will also be tried alongside the Bundys in the upcoming trial.  The two men have received hung juries and no guilty verdicts and yet, the prosecution continues to go after them.

Meanwhile, thug agents like Daniel P. Love, who led the impoundment procedures at Bundy Ranch in 2014, finally lost his job, but the US Attorney General for the state of Utah will not file charges against him related to evidence mishandling, said spokeswoman Melodie Rydalch, who declined comment about the decision.

The good news is that Santilli has lots of information to disseminate to the public in the coming days on The Pete Santilli Show and that will only serve to educate a public that has largely been dumbed down to the Constitution and the tyranny that continues to grow in the united States.

Pete, were glad you’re out and safe with family and friends!


If you are able and would like to help the Bundy Ranch political prisoners win their case against the tyranny of the central government or would like to write them, please click here.  If you would like to support a house in Nevada that is caring for wives and children of these men as they attend the trials, please click he

Posted in Bundy Ranch, Court, Freedom Outpost, News, Pete Santilli Show.

Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.