Wrongful Death Civil Suit Filed on the The Second Anniversary of Lavoy Finicum’s Murder in Oregon


Today,  Attorney Morgan Philpot, representing Jeanette Finicum, widow of Lavoy Finicum Shot and Killed at blind curve roadblock set up by Oregon State Police and FBI agents on January 26th, 2016, filed the attached Civil Demand for a Jury Trial in Oregon Federal District Court.

Lavoy was driving his truck with passengers Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, Victoria Sharp and Ryan Payne, to a meeting with Sherrif Glenn Palmer in John Day.  The murder and arrests marked the beginning of the end to the Occupation of Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Harney County Oregon.

Lavoy along with Ammon Bundy and other supporters had taken a hard stand by occupying the Refuge after Steve and Dwight Hammond was sent back to a Federal Prison to fulfill the mandatory sentence of 5 years that had been shortened by the Federal Judge in the first trial that they were convicted for backfires that they had set to protect their property adjacent to BLM land, that got out of control. He had ruled that the mandatory 5 years was excessive for the charges that they were convicted.  The U.S. Prosecutor’s office appealed and won causing them to serve the remaining sentence. Where they are still in federal prison today.

Lavoy spoke openly and publicly about the issues and grievances of Ranchers in the West had with the Federal Government over Public Lands and the various agency adversely effecting the range Ranchers and their livelihoods that were and continue to be Forced out of Business.

Finicum Complaint Filed
Posted in Ammon Bundy, Court, FBI, Jeanette Finicum, Jeff Sessions, Land, Maulher, News, Ryan Bundy, Ryan Payne.

Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.


  1. God bless the Finicum family and all those who support them as they move forward in seeking justice for the criminal acts of those listed in this lawsuit as negligent in their duties to honor the constitution and protect American citizens in the exercise of their God-given rights and even conspiring against us which culminated in the death of their loved one and our beloved patriot brother, LaVoy Finicum.

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