‘Ballad of LaVoy Finicum’ Offers Tribute and Support for Slain Advocate’s Family

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Jordan Page’s “The Ballad of LaVoy Finnicum” should be a wake-up call for all Americans of good faith. (JordanPage / Facebook photos)

USA – -(Ammoland.com)-  “I wanted to reach out because I am about to release a new single ‘The Ballad of LaVoy Finicum’ on 11/26,” musician, composer, singer and songwriter Jordan Page tells me via email. “I wrote it for the rancher who was killed by federal agents three years ago in connection with the Bundy occupation of the refuge in Oregon.”

I’m interested in helping spread the word for two reasons.

First because I believe Page is a first-rate musical artist with a profound voice for liberty who merits a lot more exposure. I did what little I could to promote his “Arm Yourselves” a few years back because I believe it is the best and most inspirational pro-RKBA song I’ve ever heard. I don’t just say that – there are some patriotic efforts out there I can’t endorse because I find their messages and execution too heavy-handed, preachy and “not ready for prime time.”

Not with Page’s stuff. The guy is a pro and he’s good, and I don’t just say that because I agree with his sentiments. I won’t give phony compliments, because I will not recommend something I don’t find truly worthy – that would make any future endorsements suspect.

My second reason is – and I realize many Americans are divided on the Malheur occupation – all the evidence of tampering and official lies following Finicum’s shooting death at the hands of ambushing FBI agents ought to concern all Americans of good faith regardless of any other considerations. A government that allows its functionaries to get away with that is a government that will allow and encourage it to happen again.


The song is being released Monday, Nov. 26

The song “was written the night Finicum was murdered by federal agents in January 2016,” Page’s email reveals. “It stands as a testament to LaVoy’s life, and will be featured in ‘Dead Man Talking,’ an upcoming documentary series about him produced by the Center for Self Governance. Jordan has committed 50% of the proceeds from the sales of this song to the Finicum family to support them and their legal battles toward justice for LaVoy.”

You can click on this link to purchase both versions of the single. I hope liberty advocates see the value in encouraging positive efforts by our friends, especially with the prevailing media rewarding those working against our interests.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and a contributor to Firearms News, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

Source: ‘Ballad of LaVoy Finicum’ Offers Tribute and Support for Slain Advocate’s Family

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Posted in Jordan Page, LaVoy Finicum, News.

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