New Organization to Build U.S. Southern Border Wall – Announced by War Hero, Triple-Amputee Veteran behind “Fund the Wall” GoFundMe

Team pledges to build portions of the wall, cut U.S. government costs in half

WASHINGTON–Heartened by the overwhelming support of fellow Americans who have donated over $20 million to the viral GoFundMe campaign “We the People Will Fund the Wall,” war hero and triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage announced the launch of a 501(c)4 called “We Build the Wall, Inc.” which will fund the private construction of a wall along the United States’ Southern Border.

“We are grateful for the President’s steadfast commitment to border security, the single most important issue plaguing our country,” said Kolfage. “Rather than subsidizing the federal government, which has betrayed the American people by obstructing President Donald Trump’s agenda, ‘We Build the Wall’ is taking the President’s signature campaign promise into our own hands. I personally will not take a penny of compensation from these donations incurred in the furtherance of this mission.”

Kolfage launched “Fund the Wall” on December 17th, and so far, the campaign has raised over $20 million from more than 330,000 American patriots across the country.

“Better equipped than our own federal government, we have made significant progress in less than a month, having begun extensive due diligence and commenced feasibility studies,” Kolfage commented. “We are already taking action on identifying the most densely crossed areas of the border, soliciting affected landowners along the Southern border, and ascertaining the willingness of border landowners to provide no or low-cost easements on their property for wall construction.”

“When government fails in its most important duties — protecting its citizens and preserving the country’s sovereignty — We the People have the right to do it ourselves,” said Kris Kobach, who led the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity with Vice President Mike Pence and helped launch the Administration’s immigration reforms.

“Our team firmly believes that we can complete our segments of the wall for less than half of the government’s estimated costs on a per mile basis, and in a much shorter time frame,” said Erik Prince, an expert in security and logistics for some of the most challenging projects across the globe.

“With millions of citizens united behind our mission, we look forward to taking a hands-on role in securing our porous Southern Border and protecting Americans from the tragedy my family suffered due to our flawed immigration system,” said Mary Ann Mendoza, whose son was killed by an illegal alien in Arizona. “We have taken it upon ourselves to prevent the illegal entry of foreign invaders who suppress our workers’ wages, bring opioids that fall into our children’s hands, and commit violent crimes.”

Given the organization’s new tax-exempt status, those who have contributed to the “Fund the Wall” campaign can opt-in such that these donations will be transferred to the “We Build the Wall” fund.

To make a contribution to “We Build the Wall,”

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We Build the Wall” has assembled a board of directors led by Kolfage and engaged an impressive team of advisors to provide critical guidance on the project’s legal, engineering, contracting, environmental, accounting, maintenance, and real estate issues and serve on the advisory board and or the construction, finance and or audit committees:

The following individuals serve on the on the advisory board, and construction, finance, and or audit committees, operations, administration, PR, Media and ongoing fundraising:

Brian Kolfage, – Mr. Kolfage was born in Detroit and grew up in Waikiki, Hawaii. The Air Force sent him to Iraq in 2003. He was hand-picked to perform security for high profile missions in direct support of IRAQI FREEDOM where he performed high risk combat convoy security operations ensuring all assets remained safe and secure, with zero loses. On September 11, 2004, during his second tour, his airbase in Balad, Iraq fell under rocket attack. He was thrown into the air, losing both of his legs and his right arm instantly. He remained conscious the entire time. The doctors at Walter Reed National Medical Center began to prepare Mr. Kolfage’s family for his death. He remained in a coma for three weeks but made a miraculous recovery. With incredible determination, He walked out of Walter Reed only 11 months after being injured. In 2005-2007 he worked as a United States Air Force civilian overseeing personnel security by administering the foreign travel program: briefed/outlined potential known security threats abroad–zero incidents. He masterfully oversaw a security/force protection training program for 105+ personnel. In 2017, Mr. Kolfage cofounded Military Grade Coffee Company which became a top 50 grocery product on Amazon in 1 year. He worked on Congresswoman Gabby Gifford’s Veterans Advisory Committee, from 2009- 2011. Mr. Kolfage is the most severely wounded Airman to survive any war. He is driven by his love for life, his country and his family. In 2014, he earned his bachelor’s in architecture design at the University of Arizona.

John Daniel Moran, Jr. -Mr. Moran is an American businessman, entrepreneur and industrialist best known for his role as President & CEO of Moran Industries, Inc., a premier warehousing, logistics and transportation company based in Pennsylvania that was founded in 1975. Moran Industries holds over 5 million square feet of warehousing space and is the only logistics company in central Pennsylvania to control thirteen rail heads. The company maintains relationships with many Fortune 500 and household, name brand companies. In addition to his duties at Moran Industries, Inc., Moran serves as the manager to multiple limited liability companies that conduct business in the areas of commercial real estate construction, development, and management. He is also involved in the ownership of marine and aerospace asset based companies as well as companies involved in the development and exploration of natural gas wells and pipelines in the Pennsylvania Marcellus shale formation. In 1987, Moran graduated from Kings College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and began his career at Moran Industries, Inc. While at Moran Industries, he developed a focus on providing economic opportunities to the communities in which he conducts business operations. He has served on the Industrial Properties Corporation Board for Union County and is a former member of the Board of Directors for Guaranty Bank Corporation. Additionally, his lifelong commitment to redeveloping Brownfields has led to the creation of more than 2,500 family sustaining jobs.  For these efforts, Moran was awarded the Adam Smith Award for Excellence in Economic Leadership and Development in 2014. Moran actively participates in community focused initiatives. Previously, he served on the Board of Directors for Geisinger Health System Foundation and the Board of the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land. Additionally, he served on the bipartisan Federal Judicial Nominating Committee created by the late Senator Arlen Specter and the late Senator John Heinz, which is responsible for making recommendations regarding vacancies in the federal judiciary. Moran currently serves on the Board of the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts, located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Moran is a close economic advisor to numerous local, state, and federal candidates and elected officials. He also served alongside Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett as the Private Sector co-chair of the Team PA Foundation, a nonpartisan & nonprofit organization established in 1997 to connect private and public sector leaders to propel economic progress for Pennsylvania.

Dr. Robert S. Spalding III, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret)- Dr. Rob Spalding is an accomplished innovator in government and a national security policy strategist. He has served in senior positions of strategy and diplomacy within the Defense and State Departments for more than 26 years. He was the chief architect of the framework for national competition in the Trump Administration’s widely praised National Security Strategy (NSS), and the Senior Director for Strategy to the President. Dr. Spalding is globally recognized for his knowledge of Chinese economic competition and influence, as well as for his ability to forecast global trends and develop innovative solutions. Dr. Spalding’s relationship with business leaders, fostered during his time as a Military Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, allowed him to recommend pragmatic solutions to complex foreign policy and national security issues, which are driving positive economic outcomes for the nation. Dr. Spalding’s groundbreaking work on competition in Secure 5G has reset the global environment for the next phase of the information age. Dr. Spalding is a skilled combat leader, promoter of technological advances to achieve improved unit performance, and a seasoned diplomat. Under Dr. Spalding’s leadership, the 509th Operations Group—the nation’s only B-2 Stealth Bomber unit—experienced unprecedented technological and operational advances. Dr. Spalding’s demonstrated acumen for solving complex technological issues to achieve operational success, was demonstrated when he led a low-cost rapid-integration project for a secure global communications capability in the B-2, achieving tremendous results at almost no cost to the government. As commander, he led forces in the air and on the ground in Libya and Iraq. During the UUV Incident of 2016, Dr. Spalding averted a diplomatic crisis by negotiating with the Chinese PLA for the return of the UUV, without the aid of a translator. Dr. Spalding has written extensively on national security matters. He is currently working on a book concerning national competition in the 21st Century. His work has been published in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Foreign Affairs, The American Interest, War on the Rocks, FedTech Magazine, Defense One, The Diplomat, and other edited volumes. His Air Power Journal article on America’s Two Air Forces is frequently used in the West Point curriculum. Dr. Spalding is a Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He has lectured globally, including engagements at the Naval War College, National Defense University, Air War College, Columbia University, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and other Professional Military Educational institutions. Dr. Spalding received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Agricultural Business from California State University, Fresno, and holds a doctorate in economics and mathematics from the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He was a distinguished graduate of the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, and is fluent in Chinese Mandarin.

Tom Tancredo – Mr. Tancredo is an American politician from Colorado, who was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives in 1976 and resigned in his third term to accept a position in the Reagan Administration as the Regional Representative for the United States Department of Education and was reappointed by George H. W. Bush. He was then elected to the United States Congress representing the state’s sixth congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1999 to 2009 as a Republican. He ran for President of the United States during the 2008 election and was the Constitution Party’s nominee for Governor of Colorado in 2010 and received 617,030 votes (36.7%), coming in second place, well ahead of the Republican Party nominee, who got about 11% of the vote. Mr. Tancredo has been referred to as Congress’ most vociferous critic of current immigration policy.

“Sheriff” David Alexander Clarke Jr.- Sheriff Clarke is a former law enforcement official. His career in law enforcement began in 1978 at the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD). He rose through the ranks in his 24 years with the department. He was a patrol officer for eleven years and then a homicide detective; he was promoted to lieutenant of detectives in 1993 and captain in 1999. In 2002, He was appointed to the position of Sheriff by Governor Scott McCallum and later elected that same year to his first four-year term. He was reelected in November 2006, 2010 and 2014. He served in that position until 2017. On February 28, 2017, He published a book titled Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America. Even as a registered democrat he is an extremely strong and vocal supporter of securing the southern border and the Trump administration’s immigration policy. He has stated that ICE and the border patrol isn’t enough and that local citizens need to be prepared able to protect themselves from violent crimes that are committed by illegal aliens.

Kris Kobach – served as the Secretary of State of the State of Kansas from 2011-2019. A leader in the national effort to stop voter fraud, he drafted and pushed for the Kansas Secure and Fair Elections (SAFE) Act of 2011, which made Kansas the first state in the Union to combine photo ID requirements at the polls, equivalent ID requirements for mail-in ballots, and proof of citizenship at the time of registration. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Kobach served as an informal advisor in immigration and border security to then-candidate Donald Trump. After the 2016 election, he served on the Trump Transition team, helping to launch the Trump Administration’s immigration reforms. In 2017, President Trump tapped Kris Kobach to lead the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, along with Vice President Mike Pence. Kobach received his B.A. degree with highest distinction from Harvard University in 1988. He graduated at the top of his class in the Harvard Government Department. In 1988, the British government awarded him a Marshall Scholarship, which took him to England for post-graduate study. In 1992 he received his Doctorate in Political Science from OxfordUniversity. In 1995 he received his J.D. from YaleLawSchool. He served as a law professor at the University of Missouri—Kansas City School of Law from 1996 to 2011. As a professor, he taught constitutional law, immigration law, legislation, and legal history. In 2001, he was awarded a White House Fellowship, which took him to Washington, DC, to work for the Bush Administration in the office of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. He was later appointed Counsel to the Attorney General. In that capacity, he served as the Attorney General’s chief adviser on immigration law and border security. He returned to Kansas in 2003. Since 2001, Kris Kobach has been a leading figure in the battle to reduce illegal immigration. He co-authored Arizona’s SB 1070 immigration law of 2010, Arizona’s Legal Arizona Workers Act of 2007, and Alabama’s HB 56 of 2011, as well as numerous other state and local laws that discourage illegal immigration. He has defended these laws in courts across the country. He also represented the 10 ICE agents who sued the Obama Administration to stop the illegal DACA executive amnesty in 2012. Kris Kobach is a regular columnist for and is seen frequently on FOX News Channel and other national news networks. He and his wife, Heather, have five daughters, Lilly, Reagan, Molly, Charlie, and Josie; and they reside on a farm in Lecompton, Kansas.

Mary Ann Mendoza– Ms. Mendoza lost her son Brandon in 2014, after his police car was hit by an intoxicated driver who was in the U.S. illegally. She is one of several parents who have been meeting with President Trump about how to tighten restrictions on immigrants in the country illegally. She is recognized as one of Trump’s “Angel Families,” a group of individuals that have had members of their families murdered/killed by illegal immigrants. She has aggressively petitioned for taking the 136 billion dollars the U.S. gives annually to illegal immigrants for health care, food, education, and housing and use it to build the border wall.

Steve Ronnebeck– Mr. Ronnebeck lost his 21-year-old son Grant who was killed for a pack of cigarettes by an illegal immigrant in 2015. Grant’s story in Mr. Ronnebeck’s own words, “January 22nd, 2015, Grant was at work on his overnight shift. An illegal alien came in, wanted to buy cigarettes, dumped a jar of change out on the counter. Grant went to count the change and wasn’t counting fast enough, so basically, this man pulled a gun. Grant did everything he was supposed to do and gave him the cigarettes. The man went ahead and executed him and shot him point blank in the face.” Mr. Ronnebeck was invited on Friday June 22, 2018, to a Trump hosted an event at the White House for those that are relatives of victims killed by illegal immigrants. He founded the Ronnebeck Institute to study immigration policy, border security and criminal activity.

Sara Carter – Sara A. Carter is a Fox News Contributor and the Executive Director & Founder of the Dark Wire Investigation Foundation. She writes award winning stories for her website She offers expertise as a national and international award winning investigative reporter whose stories have ranged from national security, terrorism, immigration and front line coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  She was formerly with Circa News, Los Angeles News Group, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner and wrote numerous exclusives for U.S.A. Today, U.S. News World Report, and Arutz Sheva in Israel. Her work along the U.S. Mexico border paved a new path in national security related stories in the region. Her investigations uncovered secret tunnel systems, narcotics-trafficking routes and the involvement of Mexican federal officials in the drug trade. She has also spent nearly a decade covering the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan since 2008. She has garnered two National Headliner Awards and in 2008, she was awarded the Society of Professional Journalists nationally recognized Sigma Delta Chi award for her multiple-part series in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico that uncovered the brutality of the Gulf and Sinaloa Cartel wars along the border. Ms. Carter, who speaks Spanish fluently, is the daughter of a Cuban immigrant mother and her father was a Marine and veteran of two wars. She has six beautiful children and is married to a war-hero and incredible husband, who was blinded while on a mission fighting terrorists in Afghanistan for the Defense Department.

Dustin Stockton – Mr. Stockton is a political strategist, speaker, writer, grassroots advocate known to stir up populist movements. Born and raised in Northern Nevada, he is the proud Father of four children. As a Tea party organizer, he designed and implemented plans that created hundreds of rallies, tens of millions of dollars in independent expenditure election campaigns for candidates, and he made leading contributions to the design of several communication platforms to bypass mainstream media. He has been working for nearly a decade to build the world’s most effective political organization to push the kind of robust policy agenda President-Elect Trump is proposing including founding America First Project. During his political career, he has delivered live speeches to more than a million people, raised tens of millions for candidates and organizations like Newt Gingrich and TheTeaParty. Mr. Stockton’s articles, videos, and emails for, Gun Owners of America and others have been read and viewed by millions with many being featured on Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, and TV News.  He has professionally advised dozens of House and Senate candidates on messaging, campaign structure, and strategy and other political influencers like Herman Cain and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Tiffiny Ruegner– Political strategist, speaker, editor, political writer, activist organizer and mother of 3 & foster mom. 2009-2013; Worked for various organizations like National Field Director for Tea Party Express, National E.D. for the, Executive Director for Women Warriors PAC, National Field Director for Western PAC creating an undeniable presence for each through radiothons, press conferences, four National bus Tours including ‘mega rallies’ like Showdown in Searchlight and other media stunts for ‘dark horse’ candidates such as Scott Brown- MA, Senator Mike Lee- UT, Congressman Raul Labrador-ID, Joe Miller- AK, Christine O’Donnell- DE, and non-candidates like Sarah Palin, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Andrew Breitbart and others. She has consulted with organizations like Cain Solutions, ACU- CPAC, Eagle Forum, Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama and presidential candidates like Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain, including becoming State Director and campaign Advisor (NV) for Newt Gingrich in Nevada presidential primary. 2013-2018; co-founder of Right Wing News helped grow the 10,000 Facebook page organically to 3.5 million and website traffic increase from 500,000 per month to over 20 million per month. Advised and assisted Brian Kolfage conceptualize and organize which led to the We Build the Wall campaign.

Jennifer Lawrence- Media liaison, activist, campaign operative and journalist. As an activist, she’s traveled to nearly every corner of America building a national grassroots network. As a campaign consultant, she has advised Presidential candidates, House and Senate campaigns, and a variety of Political Action Committees and non-profits like the Latino National Republican Coalition of NY. She spent much of the 2016 Presidential Election covering the candidates as a full-time reporter for Breitbart News where her videos and articles were featured on the election’s most influential news site. She is a native of New York and a graduate of the same military high school as President Donald Trump, the New York Military Academy and is also the Executive Communications Director for NYMA Alumni Association. She studied and received a degree with honors in women’s studies at the University of Colorado Boulder and State University of New York, Purchase College. She was the London Center’s first intern and has continued her work with Generals, foreign diplomats, and other high-ranking officials seeking ways to contribute to complex National Security and Foreign Policy Issues through her media expertise.

Amanda Shea– Social media director, political commentator, journalist. Ms. Shea studied political science at the University of Utah where she interned at talk radio station 570KNRS as a broadcast assistant and news writer. During this time, she focused her attention on mastering multiple social media platforms within politics. Amanda began working for various news outlets like Biz Pac Review and others while also running her up and coming business Shea Media LLC. Her success as a writer soon caught the attention of Senior Airman Brian Kolfage, Jr who operated his own conservative news website, and brought her onto his team. Within the first month of contributing to his site, profits quadrupled. Traffic continued to climb every month for the next six months when the two decided to become business partners and an unmatched social media force. Their joint venture Media Vines LLC included sites like and Right Wing News Facebook page. Their total social media footprint on Facebook grew to over 10 million followers until Facebook shut them down which led Ms. Shea to her current projects and WeBuildtheWall.US


Jennifer Lawrence
[email protected]
Cell: 845-800-1552

Source: War Hero, Triple-Amputee Veteran behind “Fund the Wall” GoFundMe Announces New Organization to Build U.S. Southern Border Wall | Business Wire

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Posted in News, Politics, Trump, We Build The Wall.

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