Constitutional Abuse by Pete Ketcham

Constitutional Abuse

by Pete Ketcham

John Adams, one of our founding fathers, co-author of the constitution, and second president of the united states made a remarkable prophetic statement in October 1798, it is as follows;

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”

It should be noted that this statement was made by one of the designers of the Constitution, a person who well knew the limitations of his own product, and thus his prophetic statement bears great weight, and unfortunately is coming true today.

The Constitution is both a strong and fragile document. It strongly lays out the principles of freedom and just governance, and yet this just and fair procedure can be so easily abused, as demonstrated today by the actions of the totally corrupt Democrat party.

Individual Democrat party leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schift, AOC, and many many others have exploited Constitutional procedure these last four years to a point that it’s almost unrecognizable from the original intent the framers had set forth.

A small sample of these constitutional abuses are as follows:

* House Hearings: The constitutional objective of house hearings when calling witness to testify is to gather information from them. The Democrats have turned these hearings into a literal kangaroo court and a platform to rant and rave, intimidating, belittling, and disparaging witnesses of the Republican party.

* Senate SCOTUS Hearing: The constitutional objective of these hearings is to interview the SCOTUS candidate to ascertain if they are judicially qualified to be a
SCOTUS judge. This entire procedure has been hijacked by a group of democrat legislators and turned into a complete rabid disparagement of the Republican candidate, employing false witnesses, and false statements. The recent Kavanaugh hearings are a good example of this, which is now a precursor of what is coming down to Amy Coney Barrett * Impeachment Process: for four long years the Democrats in the House and senate have engaged in a complete revengeful and fraudulent impeachment process of a siting president. This process has entirely been based on fraudulent investigations, false witnesses, and outright lies by committee members such as Adam Schift.
* Fair and Honest Elections: The constitution literally hangs on the peaceful and cooperative transfer of power between opposing candidates and political parties. Democrat party leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schift, AOC, and many other Democrats have not recognized this constitutional concept these last four years. They have not accepted the fair and honest election of President Trump, and did all in their power to illegally overturn the 2016 election. They are now doing the same for the upcoming 2020 presidential election.


The pandemic of corruption that now runs through the entire godless Democratic party appears to be capable of fulfilling John Adams prophetic words “Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”

Thus it is imperative that the Constitutional God-fearing people of this nation neutralize the power of this corrupt political party, or face the end of the constitutional nation that our founding fathers had put in place.

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