Dan Rose: Unprecedented and Unprincipled Times

Dan Rose: Unprecedented and Unprincipled Times

Hello, my name is Dan Rose and I am running as a write-in candidate for the position of Idaho State Representative for Legislative District 1B currently occupied by Sage Dixon.

Unprecedented and unprincipled times require a courageous representation by a vetted constitutional conservative republican. A [x] write-in “Dan Rose” campaign is that option.

* At the March filing deadline for State Representative, incumbent Dixon’s position on COVID19 was not yet known, nor were his outsized $26K campaign contributions, that included pharmaceuticals and House leadership. Very few of the contributors were the citizens worried about their: jobs, businesses, being able to go to church, and maintaining their constitutional rights.
* Gov. Little made it official on October 1, as he established an advisory committee for the distribution of a vaccine, Stage 4 will continue until vaccines are issued. Rep Dixon has done little to stop this.
* We need a representative who will fearlessly stand on the side of the people, especially neighbors who understand the anti-Trump agenda. Dixon has failed not once, but twice in this regard.

* Regulation without Representation. There has been no legislative representation in lockdowns, contact tracing, or vaccination plans, due process violations in Idaho courthouses.
* Separation of Powers. There has been no legislative-initiated representation in appropriation of COVID19 funds. The Legislature writes the laws not the Governor.
* Constitutional Authority. Rep. Dixon does not understand his liberty role as representative pursuant to the Idaho Constitution: Article III, section 8 or section 27(2), and/or failed to exercise it on June 23rd or August 26th, respectively, in times that it was needed most by citizens of Idaho.

A common question: Will I split the Republican vote? The answer is No.

This is an establishment talking point without merit. In District 1, as evidenced by the 2016 Presidential election, Democrat voting numbers are simply too low to overcome the high number of Republican votes.

To return to a sound, truly representative governance, We need to get involved & support those involved.

* Please visit, like and SHARE the Dan Rose & writeinDanRose FB pages and review the past daily posts.

The campaign website is www.writeinDanRose.com

* This is a grass-root campaign, which also asks for your help by forwarding this to your email contacts.

* I’ll be in Priest River, near Hwy 2 and 57, 12pm to 4, each Wed. & B.F. Kootenai bridge, 9am-1, each Thurs

* See the Daily Bee’s Election Questions and Answers:





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Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.