Glad I had a choice when I wrote-in Dan Rose

Glad I had a choice when I wrote-in Dan Rose

This letter is in response to Anita Aurit’s letter published in the Daily Bee & BF Herald on 10/13 & 10/15 respectively.

It’s truly unfortunate that Ms. Aurit behaves like a finger-pointing, unaccountable liberal as she projects her lies onto Dan Rose. She was the one who verbally abused the audience in her intro at the “invite-only” meeting of which Dan properly RSVP’d.

Furthermore, Ms. Aurit must not be paying attention, since Dan Rose has remarkably differentiated his candidacy against a Chamber of Commerce-type opponent. Truth be told, Dan’s policy positions are closer to that of LD1A Rep Heather Scott.

And as it is her style, Ms. Aurit likely appreciates the fact that the sitting LD1B rep name-called principled people “fringe” who fulfilled their obligation in accordance with statute and the constitution. And he went so far as to blame his inaction on the executive branch.

I’m proud of Dan Rose, a close friend for more than 15 years, for not allowing some faux club authority or neighborhood clique to bully or try to intimidate him.

Mike Franco

Trestle Creek


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