Rep. Dixon issued a letter to the voters of District 1

Rep. Dixon issued a letter to the voters of District 1

Recently, Rep. Dixon issued a letter to the voters of District 1 in which he says he has “consistently worked to protect individual liberties and to uphold the separation of powers between the branches of government”.

Actually, he was onboard with the Governor’s destructive stay-at-home orders, “non-essential” business closures, infringement on religious services, and freedom to assemble, that violated the separation of powers, the US Constitution and Idaho Code.

He claims he has “been part of the effort to alleviate these conditions since the beginning of the crisis”. There is plenty of proof of the opposite. I was shocked when he stood before us and claimed that he saw no errors in what the Governor was doing. His refusal to take a stand for the people with the other Constitutional Legislators spoke volumes. Meanwhile he collected hefty campaign contributions from the House speaker, PACs, and large corporations. He is obedient to his masters in Boise.

If obedience is not your thing, you have a choice: Dan Rose, who decided to run as a write-in candidate against Dixon once all this information surfaced after the primary. Dan is an Iraq War veteran and retired law enforcement officer with a B.A. in business and finance and an M.A. in criminal justice. He currently serves in two unpaid local elected positions and has an extensive volunteer record including VFW Junior Vice Commander. He is well known for his unwavering support for the Constitution.

Please take the time to check out before casting your vote.

Monique Hutchings


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Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.

One Comment

  1. Well said..

    Since it’s ok with Democrats, to allow illegal immigrants to vote… Would it be ok for me to vote, out of State, for Rose?!

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