Write-In Candidate Dan Rose is the Conservative Choice

Write-In Candidate Dan Rose is the Conservative Choice

In this election, much is at stake in our state where relentless shutdown edicts wreaked havoc on the economy and our liberty. We counted on our elected officials, from the Governor on down, to look out for our interests and wellbeing, and I am among the many who were disappointed.

In District 1, Representative Dixon’s actions in particular were an eye opener. Despite his constituents’ demands to push for an end to the shutdown, he stuck with the Governor. Then he declined to participate in the June 23 meeting of liberty-minded legislators in Boise who issued a proclamation to the Governor to end the shutdown. Then his campaign finance report revealed that in just one month prior to the primary he received $25,000 in large donations from Boise leadership, PACs, and large corporations.

These are the actions of a stereotypical politician who does not look out for regular people but for his career advancement.

Fortunately, a candidate who is deeply committed to North Idaho’s conservative values has stepped up as a write-in candidate to challenge this incumbent: Dan Rose. His focus is on restoring the representation we’ve been denied.

If you are wondering why he did not run as a regular candidate in the primary, it is because the extent of Dixon’s allegiance to Boise was not known at that time. After the primary, running as a write-in is the only option.

Please check out Dan Rose’s website, WriteInDanRose.com, and his facebook page, to make an informed decision in this important race.

Chris Anderson


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