Election Fraud Part 3: Trump Legal Team

Election Fraud Part 3: Trump Legal Team

by Shari Dovale

The Trump Legal Team has been investigating voter fraud throughout the country during this presidential election cycle.

They held a press conference on Thursday, Nov. 19th to let the American people know what they have found thus far. You can watch it here.

Making note that affidavits are legally considered evidence in our judicial system, they spoke of hundreds, if not thousands, of affidavits submitted by election workers describing abuses in all of the swing states.

The presser was led by Rudy Guiliani, Mayor of New York City during the 9/11 attacks and a former US attorney with the Department of Justice. Guiliani outlined multiple affidavits from witnesses, highlighting one by Detroit worker and whistle-blower Jessie Jacob.

In Jacob’s statement she said that, as an election worker, she was told to not ask for photo identification, not to check or verify signatures, and to change the dates of ballots to prior to the election deadline.

You can read the Jacobs affidavit, as well as several more, in the case of Constatino v. Detroit. This case outlines numerous instances of fraud, including:

* Defendants instructed election workers to not verify signatures on absentee ballots, to backdate absentee ballots, and to process such ballots regardless of their validity.
* After election officials announced the last absentee ballots had been received, another batch of unsecured and unsealed ballots, without envelopes, arrived in trays at the TCF Center. There were tens of thousands of these absentee ballots, and apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates.
* Unsecured ballots arrived at the TCF Center loading garage, not in sealed ballot boxes, without any chain of custody, and without envelopes.
* Election officials and workers repeatedly obstructed poll challengers from observing. Defendants permitted thousands of ballots to be filled out by hand and duplicated on site without oversight from poll challengers.

Guiliani went on to explained that Wisconsin also had multiple violations within the election.

In October, the progressives attempted to get the Supreme Court to authorize an extension to the Wisconsin deadline for receipt of absentee ballots. In a 5-3 ruling, SCOTUS refused to allow the extension, determining that the courts shouldn’t be the ones to decide the election rules.

Another issue was outlined, that of over-voting. This is what is meant when there are more votes than legal voters in a given jurisdiction. Guiliani told the viewers that some precincts had 2-3 times the number of total residents, including children, that seem to have voted.

Judicial Watch released a study from September 2020 that showed 353 U.S. counties in 29 states had voter registration rates exceeding 100%.

Sidney Powell, former federal prosecutor and current attorney of General Michael T. Flynn, talked about the problems with Dominion Voting systems. She explained that they have a very strong witness that proves that ballots were actually counted outside of the United States.

This is considered foreign interference.

“The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election,” Powell explained.

“We have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. This affidavit is attached. It is a stunning, detailed affidavit because he was with Hugo Chavez when he was being briefed on how it works,” Powell continued.

“President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom,” Powell declared.

The press conference took about 90 minutes and outlined even more cases of fraud. Guiliani did not call this voter fraud, as the voters were not thought to have perpetrated this travesty on the American public. Instead he called it “Election Official Fraud” as is more accurate.

“Americans Have A Right To Know” ~ Rudy Guiliani


Part 1: Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!
Part 2: MORE Evidence of Voter Fraud: Michigan
The Vote Was Manipulated By Human Intervention


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