Gov. Newsom Exempts the HollyWeird From Lockdown

Gov. Newsom Exempts the HollyWeird From Lockdown

by Shari Dovale

It was pretty bad when Gavin Newsom forgave himself for violating his own Covid 1984 restrictions, of which he has yet to say he will do for any of his royal subjects.

The California governor tried to claim that he attended an outdoor birthday party with friends until photos outed the lie.

Newsom attended a private dinner with lobbyists at the swanky French Laundry restaurant in the Napa Valley.

EXCLUSIVE: We’ve obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he’s in hot water over. The photos call into question just how outdoors the dinner was. A witness who took photos tells us his group was so loud, the sliding doors had to be closed. 10pm on @FOXLA

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) November 18, 2020

Newsom also includes his children in the upper class, as they are allowed to attend an exclusive private school, though public schools are mostly shut down to in-person teaching.

Let’s not forget that he has special rules for relatives, as well. Nancy Pelosi, his aunt by marriage, was not censured by the Governor’s office after visiting her hair salon during the lockdown. However, the salon had to shut down for good.

He is now expanding the elite class by including the heavily-lobbied Hollyweird crowd from following his orders.

Deadline reported that Newsom’s office said Thursday that the order would not apply to workers in the entertainment industry, saying those workers were deemed “essential.”

Newsom has no problem putting Mom and Pop shops out of business.

He is ready to put his select restaurants out of business. Though I am sure he will exempt the exclusive favorite of his, “French Laundry”, as he might have to attend another birthday party soon.

Newsom will demand that free people live under a 10pm curfew that his aristocratic friends may, or rather maybe won’t follow.

Communist California has gone completely over the top. We will just sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch how the citizens react.



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