Make Your Own Condensed & Evaporated Milk

Make Your Own Condensed & Evaporated Milk

Did you know you can easily make your own condensed milk? When I say easily, I mean really easily. The hardest part is the frequent stirring and waiting the process requires.

But first, let’s clearly define what, exactly, condensed milk is. Condensed milk is sweetened, concentrated milk that has had roughly 60% of its water content removed.

Evaporated milk is the same, except it is a pure milk product—no sugar or sweetener added.

Why Condensed Milk?

In terms of calories, condensed milk is an excellent item for preppers, survivalists, and anyone else who wants to be prepared and self-sufficient to have on hand.

A 14-ounce can (the standard store size) contains 1,300 calories (as well as 22 grams of carbs, 3 grams of protein, and a bit of calcium too). It’s easy to see the value of condensed milk in such situations. In a survival situation, 1,300 calories could be highly beneficial.

Other reasons to make condensed milk a part of your emergency pantry include:

* No electricity is required to store it.
* Shelf life of about two years.


* A heavy-bottomed pot
* A wooden spoon
* A sterilized glass jar with a sterilized lid and seal
* A traditional water bath or pressure canner
* Canning tongs and a jar lifter


(It is very easy to double or triple this recipe.)

* 2 cups of milk (whole, 2%, and 1% will all work; I used 1% because it is what I had on hand)
* 1 cup of Sugar (My research suggests you can use honey or even maple syrup in place of sugar. I used ordinary, everyday sugar.)
* 3 tablespoons butter (Optional. If you want a lower-fat product, skip it; if you choose to include it, it has to be real butter—no substitutes.)
* 1 teaspoon vanilla (Optional.)


Add 1 cup of milk to your heavy-bottomed pot.

Measure the height of the milk in the pot using a wooden spoon.

Note where on the spoon the milk rises to.

Add the remaining milk to the pot.

Add the sugar to the milk.

Bring the mixture to a low simmer over low heat. (I set my gas stovetop to just below “3”.) Stir frequently to prevent the milk from scalding.

Remove and discard any skin that forms over the mixture while simmering. (This was not an issue for me; my milk and sugar mixture did not form a skin.)

Remove the pot from the heat when the milk and sugar mixture reduce down to the level you noted on the spoon.

Add the butter (if using) or some vanilla (if you wish) and stir until it has melted completely.

Allow the mixture to cool, and then pour it into a glass jar.

Seal tightly. (For both water bath and pressure canning, you will want no more than about a half-inch of “headspace” at the top of your jar.)


(A water bath canner is an option because the milk has already been simmered for a considerable amount of time—long enough to kill any bacteria.)

Place your jars in your canner or pressure canner and fill it with the amount of water recommended by the canner’s manufacturer (usually 2” to 3” above the top of your jars).

Bring the water to a rapid boil and “cook” your milk, quarts for 25 minutes or 20 minutes for pints.

Remove the canner from the heat, remove the jars, and allow them to cool completely before storing.

How to Make Evaporated Milk

The process for making evaporated milk is almost identical to that for making condensed milk. The main difference is that MILK is the only ingredient (skip the sugar, butter, and vanilla).

Evaporated milk can be reconstituted by mixing 1 part milk with 1 part water.


Including your own homemade condensed milk (which is ridiculously easy to make) in your prepper pantry is a smart move. Not only is condensed milk a good choice nutritionally, it’s multi-purpose and inexpensive to make.

But what makes it especially useful to anyone seeking to be prepared for future events yet unknown is that it is incredibly long-lasting, requires no electricity for storage, and does not need to be protected from humidity or pests.

It might just be the perfect prepper DIY.


This article has been adapted from “DIY Condensed Milk Recipe That Can Last More Than 2 Years” Please read the entire article, with pictures, on ASK A PREPPER. Please check out the rest of their website, as it is filled with great information!

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