ANTIFA Thugs Storm The US Capital

ANTIFA Thugs Storm The US Capital

by Shari Dovale

The certification of the Electoral college has caused discontent on many levels. It has been shown, repeatedly, and through overwhelming evidence, that the Presidential election was stolen from the American people.

With the various avenues to correct this crime being denied to President Trump and his supporters, the certification was scheduled for January 6, 2021.

The response from the Conservative majority in the country was to gather in Washington DC for what was known as the “Save America” Rally, also referred to as the #StopTheSteal Rally.

Reports of up to a million people from all over the nation and several countries around the world converged on DC during the past several days.

President Trump was one of several speakers at Wednesday’s event, outlining much of the evidence of the theft of our election.

Vice President Mike Pence was called on to support the People and send the electoral votes back to the states for re-certification, as many of the states have asked for. Pence chose not to support the people and instead support Sleepy Joe Biden.

When this word reached the crowd, several people “stormed” the US Capital building, putting a halt to the procedures to certify the vote.

President Trump released a video on Twitter asking for everyone to go home. As we have come to expect from Twitter, and other Communist Big Tech organizations, they removed the video claiming it could cause violence. (This was a video in which President Trump asked for everyone to remain peaceful and to go home.)

Twitter did not seem to be offended at the violent death of an unarmed young lady wrapped in red, white, and blue. This is shown here:

Holy Shit! here is the video of cops shooting and what looks like killing a Trump-supporting woman inside of the capitol #WashingtonDC

— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) January 6, 2021

*The DC Mayor ordered a curfew to be implemented from 6pm to 6am.
*Virginia Governor Northam declared a State of Emergency and curfew for the Arlington and Alexandria areas adjacent to DC until 6:00 AM.

A few hours later, it was reported that the Capital was secure and protesters had been dispersed.

…And now for the rest of the story…

The following photographs show known Antifa members attempting to mix with Conservative Trump supporters. It was these KNOWN ANTIFA Communists that appear to have begun the unrest, storming the Capital. You can see in the pics that these known thugs were the ones that made it through the building.

It is also quite interesting that these well-done professional signs just happened to be available to the anarchists.

Look and decide for yourself.



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