“Boston Massacre” 2021 as Republicans Turn on Patriots

“Boston Massacre” 2021 as Republicans Turn on Patriots

by John D. Guandolo

When the history is written about the years 2016-2026, January 6, 2021 will be remembered as a turning point in the war.

January 6, 2021 was the day republican leaders solidified their treason and cowardice while defending enemies of the Republic once again.

The hubris of republicans in the face of literally millions of Patriots in Washington, D.C. could not be more evident.

Here is how the enemy operation unfolded….

* Communists/democrats, along with hostile foreign nations, commit election fraud at a level never before seen in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.
* Patriots, including a very small number of politicians, rise up and stand against this theft of the Republican form of government and the election itself.
* Republican leaders denounce all attempts to have facts heard in a formal judicial setting. Democrats, of course, concur.
* Patriots, enraged by the hostile revolution against America and our government rise up, and are continually met with condescending comments from republican leaders, especially Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, and others.
* Millions of Patriots arrive in Washington, D.C. on January 5th for a large rally on January 6th as Congress meets in Joint Session to count Electors.
* Elements of the communist group Antifa arrive in D.C. and initiate violence at the Capitol. Well known Antifa operatives literally enter the House Chambers and are identified by the media as “Trump supporters.”
* An unarmed 14-year female Air Force veteran named Ashli Babbit is shot and killed inside the U.S. Capitol by Capitol Police and dies.
* Vice President Pence flees the Capitol via motorcade while Members of Congress depart via the underground tunnels in the Capitol.
* Mayor of Washington, D.C. Muriel Bowser (communist/democrat) locks down D.C. and orders a 6 PM curfew on Wednesday January 6th.
* Republican leaders publicly condemn the violence of the “Trump supporters.”
* Ready-to-go protesters are on the evening news (1/6/21) with pre-printed banners which read “Stop the GOP Coup” – almost like there was a plan.
* Democrats and republicans accuse Mr. Trump and Patriots of a “coup” and then lecture Americans on the leaders’ desire to “follow the Constitution” and “follow the process.”

I have been in Washington, D.C. since Monday evening, January 4th. I have stood among the crowds and watched large crowds of Patriots interact with the U.S. Capitol Police, and I watched the police allow the crowds up the stairs of the Capitol.

I took part in groups of people praying for peace and for justice in our nation.

I also saw individuals who fit the profile of Antifa operators walk right up the steps of the Capitol into the crowd of Patriots. We have identified several Antifa agitators – see photos below.

Arizona Antifa operative standing in the House Chamber in the U.S. Capitol

Man with Yellow Shirt at Capitol Promoted as Philly-Antifa

Philadelphia Antifa operative (yellow shirt) and AZ Antifa (horn boy) inside U.S. Capitol

Horn-boy (ANTIFA) at communist Black Lives Matter Rally

UTT published a video this morning as well. Click HERE to see the video of what has transpired in D.C. Ashli ​​Babbitt

Remember friends – our enemy accuses Patriots of exactly what they themselves are doing in order to thwart our efforts and advance their hostile cause. Democrats are accusing Patriots of organizing a “coup” against the “democracy” when the truth is, Patriots are engaged in a great Counter-Revolution to keep the enemies of liberty from seizing power.

Also remember the name Ashli Babbit. She is a military veteran and Patriot who, while unarmed, was shot and killed inside the United States Capitol by men who also swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit was killed in America – in the nation’s capital – while protesting the hostile takeover of our Republic.

About JG John Guandolo is a US Naval Academy graduate, served as an Infantry/Reconnaissance officer in the United States Marines and is a combat veteran, served as a Special Agent in the FBI from 1996-2008, and was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense to conduct strategic analysis of the Islamic threat. He is the President and Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT).


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