Keep Your Propaganda To Yourself!

Keep Your Propaganda To Yourself!


*Editor’s Note: This was originally submitted to a local Print Propaganda outlet. They declined to publish.

by Mike Franco

I read with curiosity a story about Governor Little’s recent visit to Hayden.

First, why not come further north? There’s two huge counties here. What is he afraid of.. Heather Scott?

Anyway, in a strange Obama-like way, Little told folks during the visit that he ‘fundamentally believes’ in his DNA, and that he knows ‘.. what people expect.’ I guess we’re blessed with another prophet.

And the Governor is delusional when he said that Idaho is not very regulated? This is a myth he-himself is propagating. Unfortunately, Idaho is unnecessarily regulated in many ways.

In my view, we’re on our way to becoming just another boring socialist state. In fact, some of our small-to-medium size cities appear to have a Marxist-blend, so corruption is rampant as well.

Allow me ask: Why is it that citizens have to sue to assert their most basic rights? Further, why are we “forced” to appeal to local and county governments, or state agencies, to try to get them to follow the law?

Frankly, the administration of the “rule of law” in Idaho seems to be a cottage industry for lawyers. It’s ridiculous that we must live this way.

Back to Little, governor, and his comments. It’s aggravating when politicians refer to communities or regions as “markets.” Are we a target population or community for their statist propaganda, and pending agenda?

I have a similar angst when they label our tax dollars “revenue.” Terms like “markets” and “revenue” should be reserved for the private economy, which is superior to the state, always.

Hence, the role of people in government should not be more important than our role in the community or for-profit business. And state agents need to be seen mostly in their work, and hardly heard.

Yet Little’s ego is too outsized to spare us of his strange thoughts.

But here’s a recommendation: Keep your propaganda to yourself.


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