Prepper Pizza

Prepper Pizza

Basic Pizza Crust

* 2 cups white flour (whole wheat can be used but the crust is a bit too heavy for a lot of people)
* 1-2 tbsp yeast, the more you use the faster the rise generally
* Enough water to form a soft dough
* Salt to taste
* 2 tbsp oil or fat

Knead dough and let rise for a few hrs in a warm place. Near a wood stove or on top of a warm oven works well. Roll out pizza crust or shape in a greased pan. Allow 10-15 minutes then add toppings. You can poke a few small holes or use a dough docker if you prefer a more crispy crust.

Bake until bubbly and slightly browned. I cook my homemade pizza in a gas oven that has been preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit normally. With a wood stove or solar oven you will have to keep an eye on it because times will vary a bit depending on a variety of factors.


Now here is where you can get creative. Dried tomato powder, spices, and oil, can be combined for a red sauce or you can use oil and herbs by themselves.

Dried onions, mushrooms, meat, ect can all be rehydrated and used.

The cheese can be dried cheese or you can mix some cheese powder and water to make a creamy sauce type cheese to add. This is about using what you have!


H/T Backdoor Survival


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