Benedict Arnold Would Be Proud! Remember These Names!

Benedict Arnold Would Be Proud! Remember These Names!

by Shari Dovale

The recent embarrassment called an “Impeachment Trial” will have far-reaching effects for all Americans.

There was a single charge of “Incitement to Insurrection.” The final vote required 67 votes for conviction. The tally was 57-43.

The RINO Republicans that helped the Marxists put the citizens through this debacle will be remembered for their treachery.

House of Representatives

In the House of Representatives, 10 Republicans opted to get on the Biden-Harris Train and voted to impeach President Donald Trump.



* Liz Cheney R-Wyo.
* Anthony Gonzalez R-Ohio
* Jaime Herrera Beutler R-Wash.
* John Katko R-N.Y.
* Adam Kinzinger R-Ill.
* Peter Meijer R-Mich.
* Dan Newhouse R-Wash.
* Tom Rice R-S.C.
* Fred Upton R-Mich.
* David Valadao R-Calif.


In the Senate, there were 2 votes of which we should all remember.

The first vote was procedural, and a question called by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.

Paul declared that the trial was not Constitutional as President Trump no longer held public office.

There were 5 RINO Republicans that voted in favor of holding the trial, and against the question, therefore calling it Constitutional:


* Susan Collins, Maine
* Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
* Ben Sasse, Neb.
* Pat Toomey, Pa.
* Mitt Romney, Utah

The second vote to remember is who actually voted for conviction in the Senate. This vote included 7 RINO Republican votes. Along with the 5 that voted to hold the trial, shown above, they were joined by:


* Richard Burr, North Carolina
* Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Most of these turncoats are not up for reelection soon. Murkowski is the only Senator facing reelection in 2022. Burr and Toomey have announced their retirement from office.

Backlash is raining down on these Liberals calling themselves Conservative. Their state and county GOP central committees have begun censuring them, indicating they will not have the local support they will need when they do run for office again.

As is usual, however, they believe that the memories of Americans are short. I guess we shall see.

Dishonorable Mention

Though we cannot call him out on his vote, Minority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is worthy of special mention here.

He has shown his true colors, following in the footsteps of his wife, Elaine Chao. It is widely speculated that McConnell pulled strings to get his wife, who has strong ties to China, an appointment in President Trump’s administration, as he may have done previously in the Bush Administration. She served as Secretary of Transportation from 2017-2021. Chao was the first rat to jump ship on Trump after the Antifa-led Capital Riots, submitting her resignation on January 7, 2021

McConnell has repeatedly distinguished himself as a closet-Marxist in recent days, beginning with his lengthy speech praising Biden. And let’s not forget his support of the Commie daughter of Dick Cheney, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), whose own state is fed up with her.

Further, McConnell condemned newly elected Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling her a “cancer for the Republican Party.”

McConnell seems to have every intention of solidifying his hold in power by working hard with the other Marxists in Washington DC, despite the harm they are doing to the American people. He has every intention of bleeding the American people through whatever Covid-related nonsense the Marxists come up with, as is evidenced by his stating his full confidence in the partisan liar, Dr. Anthony Fauci .



Remember these modern-day Benedict Arnolds.  Remember them all!



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