Where Is The Legislative News?

Where Is The Legislative News?

Sage Dixon’s recent “Notes from Boise” has left me even more puzzled than I was after his first published piece in January.

On Feb 21 the Daily Bee ran Sage’s, “There Is Beauty In Public Service,” which was submitted by the District 1B state Rep during this legislative session. Again, he presented “zero” policy initiatives, and it appeared to be another waste of time and your paper’s column inches.

In consideration of limited editorial space, I find the representative’s ramblings irrelevant, and outside the intended purpose of the “semester series.” And I don’t recall signing up for “Professor” Dixon’s class on the meaning of public service or how to form one’s proper opinion (Dixon “Notes;” Jan 31).

To date, Sage has not given us a single item of legislative news. Instead, he submits to the Bee what looks to be half-page mini-seminars on whatever topic that crosses his mind while he’s sweating it out in the statehouse sauna.

On a more serious note, we want to know what Sage Dixon’s policy priorities are. This is not unreasonable. Also, it would be nice to know who he spends time with during his visit to the Capitol? After all, we’re paying his wage, right?

So, at the end of the day perhaps a more prudent use of the Daily Bee’s opinion page would be to assign meaningful space to three legislators from District 7, which reaches deep into Bonner County east of Hwy 95, south of the Long Bridge.

That would be Reps. Priscilla Giddings & Charlie Shepherd, as well as state Senator Carl Crabtree. From what I know of them, we can expect a better product in your “Notes from Boise.”

Mike Franco,
Trestle Creek


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