Why is Governor Little So Slow?

Why is Governor Little So Slow?

by Jeremy Conlin

As of Wednesday, 2-17-2021, Idaho’s COVID-19 Dashboard reports that: Available ICU beds are slightly higher than they have been since 1-1-2020; patients in hospitals with COVID-19 are less than ½ of what they were on 1-1-2021 and about equal to what they were 8-1-2020; the State “Positivity” rate is more than 50% less than what it was on 12-1-2020 and is roughly equal to the level on 9-1-2020; the State’s “Confirmed” cases are less than 2/3 of the 12-1-2020 level and below the 7-1-2020 level; the “Probable” cases are less than ¾ of what they were on 1-1-2021 and roughly equal to the 9-1-20 level; the State testing level still is high while the “Positivity” level has declined from 17% to roughly 8%; Bonner County’s testing level still is up and the “Positivity” level has dropped from 15% to nearly 6%.

According to the data, the government should have lightened its’ restrictions by now. Why has Idaho’s leadership been so slow?

The need for the State Legislature to restrict the Governor’s powers is highlighted by the Governor’s tardiness in responding to the data. Perhaps he is stalling as he is waiting for the Federal government to come through with another armful of money. Waiting on the Federal government is putting at further risk the citizens of Idaho. He also is outing at risk the possibility of a second term.


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