Idaho Freedom Foundation
Freedom and Spending Index
Updated Analysis
by Tim Kastning
Below is an updated analysis of our Idaho legislators with their combined freedom index and spending index scores averaged. The questions remain: Is Idaho really red? The data says that Idaho is blue. This is an independent evaluation and analysis. Take a look at the data and you decide.
The combined freedom index and spending index gives a more accurate indication of where an individual legislator stands, and gives a clearer picture of how conservative or liberal our Idaho legislature really is.
Keep in mind that this analysis and grading is an independent attempt separate from the Idaho Freedom Foundation to understand the political condition of the Idaho legislature.
Here are some facts from the data.
* Only nine members of the House received an “A” grade, and one member of the Senate.
* Only fifteen members of the House earned a score of 80% or better giving them a rating of conservative. Only two Senators received an 80% or better rating placing them in the conservative category. Depending on your definition of “conservative”, this rating may be up for debate.
* Sixteen House members earned a “purple” rating indicating they are “moderate” at best. This is the 70 and 60 percent category. In the Senate, only one earned the “purple” status with a score of 70%.
* In the House, 38 members earned a 57% score or less placing them in the liberal or Democrat category and earning the failing grade of “F”. This is over 50% of our House members that actually legislate as liberal Democrats regardless of their party affiliation or freedom index. The Senate has 32 out of 35 legislators earning a 45% or lower score giving the Senate a 91% failure rate. Thirty-two Senators earned an “F” for failure. The spending index, in my opinion, is a greater indicator of where a legislator stands concerning Republican and conservative values.
With over 50% of the House members and over 90% of the Senate members scoring in the blue category and earning a failing grade to uphold conservative values and limiting the growth of government, I can only conclude the Idaho legislature is blue.
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