Kathy Rose is an Excellent Choice for Library Board
The Sandpoint library board has put us through more than a year of authoritarian restrictions, the likes of which have not been seen in this county. An iron-fisted mask requirement, refusal to lift it in spite of many pleas, calling the police on citizens who violated it even slightly, publicly demonizing those citizens as “insurgents”, plus lengthy shutdowns of the building drew attention to this board as glaringly unsuited for public service.
On May 18 we have a chance to replace two of the board members running for re-election. One is currently the chair, the other was the previous chair.
I support Kathy Rose, one of the challengers, as an excellent choice for this board. I have known her for years as a principled, common-sense person while serving with her in civic organizations. She will bring a diverse background to the position, with decades of experience as a business owner, private sector employment, service as a school board trustee, and committed volunteer in organizations and events.
While the incumbents pronounce themselves ad nauseum as the most qualified, what we have seen over this past year was the opposite: a public relations disaster caused by their true feelings about the public they were elected to serve. They had their roles backwards, seeing the public as their subjects and themselves as all-powerful masters.
Now they are asking for another 6-year term to continue business as usual. What we need and want are board members willing to steer things in a better direction. Please support Kathy Rose with your vote on May 18.
Anita Perry
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