Lt Gov McGeachin Signs Order Banning Mask Mandates

Lt Gov Janice McGeachin Signs Order Banning Mask Mandates

by Shari Dovale

Contrary to the Liberal-Leftists opinions and unbalanced comments, Janice McGeachin did not stop people from wearing masks in public schools.

As acting Governor while Brad Little was out of state, Janice McGeachin signed an Executive Order (EO) that Banned “Mandates” in government entities, including public schools. This does not ban masks, nor does it stop people from wearing them if they choose to do so.

This only stops government entities from forcing people to wear them. This gives the people a choice, and if they want to wear the masks, they are free to do so.

The EO is effective starting at 11 a.m. on May 27th. The ban does not apply to federal buildings, hospitals or healthcare facilities.

McGeachin noted that the Republican-dominated state House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a mask-mandate ban earlier this year, but the bill died in the Senate when a powerful committee chairman, Republican (in name only) Sen. Fred Martin, declined to give it a hearing.

McGeachin did not inform Brad Little of her plans to sign the EO, and hopes that he will see the value in this move. He is expected to return Thursday evening.

It is a bold move for the Lt Gov, as she has recently announced her candidacy for the Governor’s Chair. She is showing that she is listening closer to her constituents than Little has done over the last year.

The EO was confirmed as valid by Republican Secretary or State Lawerence Denney.

Today, as acting Governor of the State of Idaho, I signed an Executive Order to protect the rights and liberties of individuals and businesses by prohibiting the state and its political subdivisions — including public schools — from imposing mask mandates in our state. #idpol

— Janice McGeachin (@JaniceMcGeachin) May 27, 2021


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