The Freakin Weather Is Now Racist! What Next?
by Shari Dovale
The Commies at University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill have done a study that is all about more reparations for people that have never been slaves, to be paid by people that have never owned slaves, all on the basis that the Weather Is Racist!
Calling it “Climate Racism”, these pinheads say that black people living in most US cities are subject to double the level of heat stress as their white counterparts.
The Social Justice morons say that Black people are more likely to live in cities and not have the benefit of open green spaces. Cities are apparently known to aggravate warmer weather. The blockheads that did this study seem to believe that black people being found in cities more often than rural settings is to be blamed on racism rather than poverty or personal choice.
They are using this study as the basis to move low-income minorities from ghettos into suburban neighborhoods because, “While money doesn’t grow on trees, it is clearly located in the neighborhoods under them, especially in the US,” said Dr. Jeremy Hoffman, the chief scientist at the Science Museum of Virginia.
We have all learned recently that Liberal Science is nothing more than a wish list of how to trash everything conservative, the dimwits forgot that recently they were calling the Cold Weather racist, as well.
Yes, the Root known for their hate of all things white, says:
“Yes, you read that correctly. Racist. Cold weather is racist. Cold weather racially profiles, segregates, gentrifies, colonizes, appropriates and is responsible for (at least) 90 percent of the unseasoned meats brought to company potlucks this month. It also possesses a changing agent that somehow makes black people even blacker.”
But, then again, the Woke Simpletons also claim that Solar Eclipses are racist, as well as the very air we breathe.
Sources and further reading:
Big League Politics
Yahoo News
Sierra Club
National File
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