Arrested To Stop Freedom of Speech – in America

Arrested To Stop Freedom of Speech – in America

by Shari Dovale

The debate over whether to ratify the Constitution in several states hinged on the adoption of a Bill of Rights that would safeguard basic civil rights under the law. Fearing defeat, pro-constitution politicians, called Federalists, promised a concession to the antifederalists – a Bill of Rights.

As every student of the Constitution will agree, the Bill of Rights was not a foregone conclusion in the days of our Founders. Many of the lawmakers wanted more power for the government, and more control over the citizens.

These are the same thoughts carried through today, as the Progressive/Socialists throughout the country attempt to thwart the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, even demanding the Constitution be rescinded or rewritten to suit their Communist ideals.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Freedom of speech gives Americans the right to express themselves without having to worry about government interference. Or so it once was, but not anymore.

Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, a restaurant owner in Michigan was arrested just a couple of months ago because she planned on being a guest of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’.

How do we know this was the reason?

Because emails obtained by Michigan Capitol Confidential, state Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) sought to arrest the defiant business owner prior to a scheduled appearance on Fox News (emphasis added):

“Do we know her whereabouts? We should just have her picked up before she goes on. This is outrageous.”

Restaurant owner Marlena Hackney was arrested by the Michigan State Police seven days later, on March 19.

Nessel sent the email after learning from staffers that Hackney would be interviewed by Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Nessel openly showed her contempt for the small-business owner, and hoped that the state would use its full power against her.

“Should I be prepared to respond to this?” Nessel asked in a different email. “I hope she gets the full 93 days for this. (Is that the max for civil contempt or just criminal contempt?)”

Pavlos-Hackney was put into shackles and driven 100 miles away for daring to speak her mind against government tyranny.

Modern censorship of the people may have begun with the Social Media sites like Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter, but it does not end there. The Communists in power have not only endorsed this tyranny, but they are now committing these crimes themselves.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has come under fire repeatedly for her abuse of power since obtaining her office. From politicizing sexual abuse to refusing to investigate Gretchen Whitmer’s handling of nursing homes, she has demonstrated her antipathy towards the people of her state.

Making these issues public has not stopped her from joining Gov. Whitmer in continuing to act like tyrants towards the citizens of Michigan. Nessel has continued her abuse of power in this blatant attempt to thwart the Constitution and arrest this legal immigrant for a civil (not criminal) charge.

The Attorney General’s office released a statement on the emails:

“Ms. Pavlos-Hackney willfully violated the state’s food laws, public health orders and orders of the court–a dangerous act that may have exposed dozens of diners and employees to the virus following the discovery that one of Marlena’s customers tested positive for the virus within two days of eating there.

Ms. Pavlos-Hackney’s decision to then go on national television and flaunt her noncompliance compromised the state’s ability to protect public safety during a global pandemic and likely emboldened others to break the law.”

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