“Strike Force” Impersonating Health Officials for Covid Data Gathering

“Strike Force” Impersonating Health Officials
for Covid Data Gathering


by Shari Dovale

Training for vaccine “strike force” teams to impersonate Health Department Officials, and gather information on the public for a vaccine database, has begun. Potentially the first of these community training sessions took place in April of this year in Lake County, Illinois.

Gathering people under the premise of volunteers helping their community, these folks are being trained to ignore laws, such as signs stating “No Soliciting”. They are also being told that just because they have an “uncooperative landlord” that does not voluntarily allow them access to the facilities doesn’t mean they should ignore the residents. They need to get their information as well.

“No Trespassing” signs were not covered as freely as the “No Soliciting” signs were. However, there are many laws in place throughout the country of which everyone should be aware.

Here are 2 websites with information regarding No Trespassing laws. There may have been updates to some local laws and it would be prudent for everyone to check with their local jurisdiction for up-to-date information.

State By State Guide to No Trespassing Laws & Signage (2013)

No Trespassing Signs Laws – What a Sign Can & Can’t Do In All 50 States (2018)

Calling them “Community Health Ambassadors,” they are told to introduce themselves as being with the County Health Department, unless someone challenges them. If they get called out, or the questions get too hard, then they are told to admit that they are only a volunteer, not a professional.

From their script:

You: Hello, my name is ________________________________ and I am a Community Health Ambassador with the Lake County Health Department. How are you today?

These “Ambassadors” are being trained to pressure people into getting the Covid 1984 mRNA vaccine. If people are hesitant, or just flat out refuse, the volunteers are being instructed to write that information down, along with their address, to pass to the government.

They are given a sheet of talking points for use to coerce people into getting the “kill shots” of spike protein bioweapons.

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It is stressed that these “strike force” teams are to REPORT on a pre-made form for data collection. They do not need to collect names, or other info. JUST ADDRESSES, which is more than enough to identify everyone.

From the Lake County COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ page, Updated May 26, 2021:

* You can register other people
* If a person is going to have a bad reaction to a vaccine, it is likely to occur in the first six weeks after vaccination, according to medical experts. Experts still don’t know the long-term effects of the vaccines.
* Your vaccination information will be sent to the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (ICARE).
* The Lake County Health Department is tracking demographics including age, sex, zip code, occupation, living situation, and underlying health conditions with AllVax registration. Additional demographics, such as race and ethnicity, are requested at the time of a vaccination appointment.
* If you select the option, ‘Lake County Health Department can share my information with other healthcare providers to facilitate my vaccination process’, we may share your information with Lake County hospitals or partnering healthcare providers who are providing COVID-19 vaccines.

Be aware of what is happening in your community, as several of these Beijing Biden “Strike Forces” have begun popping up all over the country.

Natural News


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