Freedom From Medical Tyranny

Freedom From Medical Tyranny

Coeur D Alene, ID – On Thursday August 12, during your lunch time from 12pm to 2pm, join the rally for health freedom. Come stand with others who believe in making medical decisions a choice, rather than coerced and forced in order to keep their job.

We encourage people to not wear anything that would identify their place of employment. We are a grassroots pro-freedom movement, composed of freedom loving Americans. This includes community members, employers, and employees who do not believe in coerced medical procedures as a condition of employment.

While local North Idaho medical facilities have not yet mandated the covid shot, they have been very pushy with their employees to get the shot. Many nurses and other hospital staff have reached out and expressed concern over the belief in the coming forced vaccine mandates that are happening in neighboring areas such as Spokane.

Stop the impending mandate in Idaho and stand together as we support our medical staff and their right to choose to decline workplace vaccination. Protecting your right for health freedom means protecting our community from medical tyranny. There is concern that if businesses do not honor the bodily autonomy of their staff, they will not honor the bodily autonomy and informed consent of patients. Healthcare workers are daily heroic in their selfless service and should not be forced to accept a medical procedure as a term of employment.

Coordinated by North Idaho Freedom Fighter’s, Health Freedom Idaho, Take a Stand Now and People’s Rights network.


Related:   Freedom From Medical Tyranny Rally

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