County Sheriff Steps Up Where Commissioners Do Not

County Sheriff Steps Up Where Commissioners Do Not

by Shari Dovale

Sheriff Daryl Wheeler has never been afraid of controversy. He has stood up for the citizens of Bonner County on multiple occasions, including speaking out against government restrictions that go against the Constitution.

Wheeler did so again on Tuesday.

A resolution against vaccine and mask mandates was first drafted by Commissioner Steve Bradshaw. The people were overwhelmingly in favor of such a mandate, yet it has been tabled for the third week. A watered down version, presented by Commissioner Dan McDonald, was wildly rejected by the people attending.

Sheriff Wheeler stepped up to the podium to firmly reassure the people that the Bonner County Sheriff’s office will not enforce any unconstitutional mandates in this county. Additionally, Wheeler did not mince words in his condemnation of Governor Brad Little’s handling of the mandated restrictions.

“I am calling [Governor Little] out as a hypocrite,” Wheeler said. “He is not standing up for the Constitution.”

He further reassured all citizens that no one will force them to receive an unwanted vaccination in Bonner County.

“If anyone comes knocking at your door and says ‘roll up your sleeve’ please call the sheriff’s office. We will come to your house and we will remove that person.”

Resounding applause followed Wheeler’s remarks, with people commenting that the Sheriff just did the job that the Commissioners have failed to do.

Kendra Martin, who spoke after the Sheriff told the commissioners, “That gentleman just did your job!”

Further comments after the meeting had citizens wondering how the Sheriff can determine what mandates his office will not enforce, yet the County Commissioners cannot do the same?

Related: Sheriff is Asking to Ease Restrictions

Related:  Sheriff Wheeler Takes The High Road


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