School Levy and Property Taxes

School Levy and Property Taxes

Hello! I am a resident of Bonner County, and always willing to support a reasonable school levy. Regardless of the talking points going around, when money is voted via a levy, that money will come out of the pocket of tax payers via our property taxes. The largest expense on our property taxes is related to schools. During the last levy proposal cycle, however, much information shared by the school board, levy organizers and others was omitted at best, or worse, misrepresented.

Firstly, the original levy run this past year was in March. The taxpayers said “No!” Why then was the levy run again two months later in May?? If prepared and educated adequately, no doubt the taxpayers would’ve said “No” again, especially considering the schools have access to $4.3 million dollars of COVID money.

Furthermore, it has come to the attention of the public that some high school faculty members “encouraged” voting age students to participate and vote. That is a normally a wonderful thing! However, the truth came out when at least one student was denied the promised major course credit because they voted “No” to the levy. Apparently the credit was only available to students voting in favor of the levy. That is coercion at its worst!

In closing, according to data on the graduation rates of the six local districts—WBCSD, LPOSD, DCE, Lakeland, Post Falls, & Boundary County—WBCSD has the worst ISAT scores and graduation rates, yet we spend over $3,000/student more than the other districts!! are (Sources: West Bonner School District  ; Public School Finance Department  ; School Districts) How is it we can spend more money and repeatedly achieve poor academic results? Our children—our future—deserve better. It is time for a change!

In this soon-coming election including school board positions, make it a point to vote for people who are running fresh from the community, and not the currently elected school board!

This November 2nd vote for Keith Rutledge and Susan Brown, and share their names with your family and friends!

For Liberty,

Jane Purdy
Laclede, ID

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