As part of a homeschool civics class comprised of students in the 7th through 10th grade levels, students were asked to write opinion editorials on topics of their own choosing which reflect current themes in governance and policy-making. Over the course of the next few weeks the class will be tracking the views of and commentary on their op-eds with the goal of generating as much meaningful community engagement as possible. A prize will be awarded to the student who is most successful at generating meaningful community engagement with their op-ed. Thanks so much for partnering with us to create this experience for the children and teaching them to be actively involved in the governance of their community!
What Happens If We Accept Vaccine Mandates in Schools?
by HSC06
We live in contentious times. Controversies and arguments abound, many surrounding our political discourse. Of these arguments one of the most controversial currently swirls around mask and vaccine mandates. These arguments go back and forth, ending in anger and distrust, even amongst friends. Vaccine mandates are being considered for school attendance, and already vaccine mandates are being implemented by many companies with over 100 workers. These actions came about as a result of Joe Biden’s unprecedented announcement that companies with unvaccinated employees would be subject to workplace fines. The impact of these mandates are severe, and countless jobs and relationships are already being lost. Though the student vaccine mandate might seem insignificant, especially to homeschoolers, a mandate for an experimental vaccine represents an egregious assault on personal liberty.
As an example, at the Mayor’s Round Table meeting on September 1st, mayor Shelbey Rognstad said that he wanted to model Sandpoint after Aspen, Colorado. A cursory search of the City of Aspen’s official website reveals that Aspen is considering mandatory vaccinations. And already in California there are vaccine mandates for children attending private or public school. This is disastrous, and already parents are pulling their children from public schools. In this case a question arises. Are vaccine mandates in schools reasonable? Many would say yes, and that it would be a student’s and parents duty to protect themselves and others. However, these mandates are irresponsible and dangerous. Children have died or been injured already from vaccines, such as a 13 year old boy in Saginaw Michigan, who died after receiving his 1st shot, and a 12 year old girl, Maddie De Garay, who is confined to a wheelchair and lost the majority of her motor function after receiving the second Pfizer vaccine. Unfortunately, it’s likely that more incidents like these have occurred as there is evidence that adverse vaccine events are being underreported by public health officials.
Not only are the vaccines damaging, but forcing children to wear masks is damaging as well. Mentally, children are suffering. Depression is on the rise, and so is suicide. The worst is that many elected officials, (especially those on school and health boards who are supposed to be protecting our children) are actually voting for these mandates. Many of these elected officials say one thing but vote another way. These miniature dictators readily trample freedom that belongs to individuals. To make matters worse, while school board members can be voted out of office, the health district members are appointed. This means that they cannot be voted out, and will continue to make disastrous decisions for North Idaho. These decisions may be sold to the public as helping protect the greater good, but actions such as these will lead to an eventual abolition of all freedoms. And they’re starting with where you are most vulnerable: your children.
Fortunately there are things you can do to attempt to stop these tyrants. Attend local meetings, know who you’re voting for, learn more about political structure and get in contact with other like minded individuals. Idaho is becoming a target as real estate developers, healthcare companies, big pharma and leftist agitators plant those who want these restrictions imposed on us by means of advertisement and political action. These people will not stop at vaccines and masks, and eventually they will destroy North Idaho, and memories of this beautiful, free state will eventually be consumed by the fire of tyranny.
Related: CDC Changes the Definition of Vaccines
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