Kyle Rittenhouse Found NOT GUILTY On ALL Charges (VIDEO)

Kyle Rittenhouse Found NOT GUILTY On ALL Charges (VIDEO)

by Shari Dovale

Praise God!

Kyle Rittenhouse is the young man that has been on trial in Wisconsin for defending himself in the Antifa riots in Kenosha last year. A jury has found him not guilty on all of the charges brought against him.

The Far-Left Commies have had a field day in their efforts to sway the jury, including the Resident Joe Biden referring to him as a “White Supremacist” and “Vigilante”.

But the jury didn’t buy that drivel, and after four days of deliberations they came back to the courtroom and exonerated Rittenhouse of all charges.

The prosecution tried to paint this young man according to the edicts of Biden and the far-left Democrat-Socialists, but he no longer has to worry about spending the rest of his life in prison. Rittenhouse would have faced a mandatory life sentence if found guilty and convicted of first-degree intentional homicide.

Facing charges ranging from intentional homicide to reckless and attempted homicide, the jury agreed that Rittenhouse was defending himself when these thugs attacked him on the streets of Kenosha.

Rest assured, for the time being at least, your gun rights are secure and your rights to self-defense are again renewed.


Related: Democrats Immediately Move for a Police State

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