State Rep. Addresses Covid 1984 Challenges and Stonewalling in the Capitol

Legislative Video Update Rep. Heather Scott Rep Heather Scott speaking out about the current status of Idaho’s Legislative Session.   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: […]

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Patrick Byrne: How Donald Trump Lost the White House

Authored by Patrick Byrne via Deep Capture On the evening of Friday, December 18, Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn, a sharp female attorney on Sydney’s team (whom I will call “Alyssa”), and myself decided to call an SUV and get driven to the entrance that serves the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is on the grounds of (and connects to) the White House.  We had a vague plan regarding how we were going to get through all the rings of Capitol Police, Secret Service, and Marines without any invitation: Sidney and Mike were the center of global attention, and we were […]

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Longest-Serving Woman in Congress Says She Feels Increasingly Alienated in Democratic Party

The longest-serving woman in Congress, Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), told The Hill in a recent interview that she struggles with a growing sense of alienation within the Democratic party as she fights for the interests of her largely working-class Midwest constituents while the Democrat party is increasingly dominated by representatives from wealthy, often coastal districts. “They just can’t understand,” Kaptur told the outlet, referring to the difficulty some of her Democrat colleagues have in relating to the concerns of blue-collar constituents like hers. “They can’t understand a family that sticks together because that’s what they have. Continue reading Longest-Serving Woman […]

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WAR Has Been DECLARED! by Shari Dovale The Congress shall have Power . . . To declare War ~ U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 8, clause 1 “Know your enemy” ~ Sun Tzu’s The Art of War The war against Christian Conservatives has been building for decades. In the past four years, the Marxists in DC have ramped up the rhetoric in preparation for their takeover of our Constitutional Republic. They carried out a successful coup d’etat against Christian Conservatives in the United States by manipulation through every branch of government. The presidential election results could rightly be challenged due […]

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Just Get on the Train

Just Get on the Train by John D. Guandolo “Don’t you see, we SS men were not supposed to think about these things; it never even occurred to us…We were all so trained to obey orders without even thinking that the thought of disobeying an order would simply never have occurred to anybody, and somebody else would have done just as well if I hadn’t…I really never gave much thought to whether it was wrong.” ~ Rudolf Hoss, Nazi Commandant, Auschwitz Concentration Cam, Nuremberg Trial In the last week I have seen videos online, interviews on television, and personally experienced […]

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Biden Regime Moves Swiftly to Impose Communist Agenda

Biden Regime Moves Swiftly to Impose Communist Agenda by John D. Guandolo Having brought down the American Republic by unlawfully seizing Executive and Legislative power, the communists and their jihadi/globalist cabal now control the U.S. federal government. This regime is placing communists, jihadis, and anti-American atheists in the Cabinet, and in key positions throughout the regime. The current regime is wasting no time in moving to ensure liberty is snuffed out before Patriots can rally to the cause. In the first five (5) business days in office, the Biden/Harris regime has already moved to do the following: *Restricted efforts by […]

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Populist Financial Uprising May Tear Down The Entire Rigged System

Populist Financial Uprising May Tear Down The Entire Rigged System by: Mike Adams The silver lining for the events of the last year is that huge numbers of people are awakening to fact that everything is rigged: * The elections are rigged. * Wall Street is totally rigged. There is no “free market.” * The courts are rigged and no longer provide anything resembling “equal justice.” * The money supply is rigged with fiat currency and endless money printing. * The news is rigged with fake news from the globalist-controlled media. * Speech is rigged by the tech giants that […]

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The Politicians and the Media Fan the Flames of Fear

The Politicians and the Media Fan the Flames of Fear People are manipulated through fear. * Fear of Saddam Hussein. * Fear of terrorism. * Fear of climate change. * Fear of the corona virus. The politicians and the media, with the help of academia and other recipients of money from the government, fan the flames of fear. People react to this fear by doing what the so-called “experts” tell them to do: * Destroy Iraq, bombing them into the Stone Age and killing hundreds of thousands of people. * Hang humanity on a “Cross of Iron” by spending trillions […]

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Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Praised Biden’s Executive Orders: Leaked Video

Newly leaked video from an internal Facebook meeting shows CEO Mark Zuckerberg praising executive orders issued by President Joe Biden in his first day in office. “I thought President Biden’s inaugural address was very good,” Zuckerberg said in the Jan. 21 meeting. “In his first day, President Biden already issued a number of Executive Orders on areas that we as a company care quite deeply about and have for some time,” he added. “Areas like immigration, preserving DACA, ending restrictions on travel from Muslim-majority countries, as well as other Executive Orders on climate and advancing racial justice and equity. Continue […]

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Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize Over Israel-UAE Peace Deal

Former President Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize on Monday morning by an Estonian member of the European Parliament, Jaak Madison. In a post on social media, Madison said: “In the last 30 years, Donald Trump is the first president of the United States, who during his tenure, has not started a war. Additionally, he signed several peace agreements in the Middle East which have helped provide stability in the region and peace.” Madison was referring to the Abraham Accords, a joint statement between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States–and later, with Bahrain and […]

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Blitzkrieg (Lighting War) by Pete Ketcham

Blitzkrieg (Lighting War) by Pete Ketcham The Blitzkrieg was a new type of overwhelming warfare the Germans (Nazis) employed to defeat their enemies in WW2. This type of warfare was successfully demonstrated by the complete defeat of the French built “Maginot” wall along the German/French border. This wall consisting of gun emplacements, under ground forts and bunkers which was built based on the French WW1 experience. Because the French were still operating with WW1 strategy, the Germans easily defeated the French by a WW2 Blitzkrieg operation of going around and over (Stuka dive bombers) their obsolete WW1 wall. What I […]

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Religious Books Seized and Burned in Communist China, Believers Given Jail Terms

Years ago, the horrors of the holocaust paved the way for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; however, our basic right to freedom of religion or belief is still being trampled in societies ruled by totalitarian regimes. In communist China, practicing a certain faith, printing, or even reading religious books could result in prison terms and abuse. Spiritual believers in China—be it Christians, Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, or Falun Gong practitioners—are faced not only with brutal suppression or forced-labor terms but also have their religious books burned or trashed at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The coercive policies are […]

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Reddit Users Going After Silver for ‘Biggest Short Squeeze in the World’

A number of Reddit users on the popular r/WallStreetBets forum have said they are planning to launch a coordinated effort to target silver as their next short-squeeze target. Posts encouraged individuals to use the IShares Silver Trust, the largest silver exchange-traded fund, and carry out what one user called the “BIGGEST SHORT SQUEEZE IN THE WORLD.” “Silver Bullion Market is one of the most manipulated on earth. Any short squeeze in silver paper shorts would be EPIC,” a user on Reddit’s WallStreetBets wrote. “We know a billion banks are manipulating gold and silver to cover real inflation. Continue reading Reddit Users […]

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1776 Commission Director: Abolishing the Commission Won’t ‘Get Rid of These Principles’

Dr. Matthew Spalding, a professor of constitutional government and Dean of the Van Andel Graduate School of Government at Hillsdale College was interviewed by The Epoch Times’ program American Thought Leaders. He was the executive director of the 1776 Commission, created by executive order by former President Donald Trump. The host of the program, Jan Jekielek, asked him some key questions highly relevant to the current intense political zeitgeist, allowing Spalding to cast lucidity on the partially forgotten, at least for the younger generations, ideals of 1776. The new Biden administration has abolished the 1776 commission, a history-centered, patriotic education program that […]

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Media Company Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook

A media company that operates several West Virginia newspapers is suing Google and Facebook for threatening the extinction of local newspapers across the country by their alleged anticompetitive business practices. HD Media Company this week filed a lawsuit asking a federal court to determine whether the two Silicon Valley companies had violated anti-trust laws. The lawsuit claims Google had unlawfully exercised monopoly power of the digital advertising market, which has prevented newspapers from competing in the market and losing their primary source of revenue. It also claims that Google and Facebook had “unlawfully conspired to engage in anticompetitive conduct,” through […]

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Diabetes Drug Recalled: Contains Cancer-Causing Ingredients

Diabetes Drug Recalled: Contains Cancer-Causing Ingredients By Katherine Marko Diabetes affects over 100 million people living in the U.S. That’s a lot of drugs dispersed daily. So, when there’s a drug recall, it affects millions of people. Drug recalls occur when an over-the-counter or prescription medicine is taken off the market because it’s either defective or possibly harmful. Here’s the latest diabetes drug recall. Diabetes meds containing carcinogens recalled Recently, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Issued a national voluntary recall for one lot of the Type 2 diabetes medicine Riomet ER, (metformin). The drug was recalled after lab tests found it contained […]

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Republicans Pan Pentagon Move to Give COVID-19 Vaccines to Guantanamo Detainees

Republican lawmakers took aim at reports that the Pentagon would give COVID-19 vaccines to detainees at Guantanamo Bay while millions of vulnerable Americans wait in line for their turn to get inoculated. Recent reports indicate that the Pentagon plans to offer vaccines to the 40 prisoners housed at the facility starting as early as next week. Those detained in Guantanamo Bay include Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks which killed 2,977 Americans. Department of Defense spokesman Michael Howard told The New York Post that an order had been signed that will see vaccinations “offered to all detainees and prisoners” […]

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HR 127 – The Marxists Are Coming For Your Guns

HR 127 – The Marxists Are Coming For Your Guns by Shari Dovale The Comrade Marxists are taking full advantage of their Democrat Trifecta control in Washington DC, and they are not wasting any time in doing so. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee is known for pushing gun control, even though she is enormously ignorant about which she speaks, such as saying, “Don’t condemn the gangbangers, they’ve got guns that are trafficked — that are not enforced, that are straw purchased and they come into places even that have strong gun laws. Why? Because we don’t have sensible gun legislation.” Lee […]

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Watch: China Joe – What the Frack?

China Joe – What the Frack?   Lying China Joe does flip flops over Fracking. The American Petroleum Institute – Myths About Fracking – John Stossel  –       The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. […]

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State Republican Parties Stand as Firewall for Trump In Fight Over Future of GOP

State and county Republican Party committees have rushed to former President Donald Trump’s defense in the face of his upcoming impeachment trial, highlighting the former president’s popularity and power within the GOP. The House voted to impeach Trump earlier this month on the sole impeachment charge of “incitement of insurrection,” with Democrats claiming he incited violence at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month. Trump called on the protesters not to engage in violent acts before the protest and later told them to “go home in peace.” Forty-five Republican senators voted several days ago against holding an impeachment trial, arguing it would be unconstitutional […]

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Texas Governor Orders Agencies to Sue Biden Administration for Climate Actions That ‘Kill Jobs’

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday vowed to oppose what he called the Biden administration’s bid to destroy jobs with its volley of actions targeting the oil and gas industry. Abbott signed an executive order during a press conference in Odessa on Thursday, which directed all state agencies to sue the Biden administration for any federal actions that threaten the Lone Star state’s energy sector. “Texas is going to protect the oil and gas industry from any type of hostile attack launched from Washington D.C.,” Abbott said. “President Biden’s embrace of the green new deal is a job killer […]

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Democrats Introduce Bill to ‘Massively Expand’ Mail-in Voting

Democrat lawmakers on Thursday introduced a bill dubbed the “Vote at Home Act,” which seeks to “massively expand vote-at-home ballot access,” enacting automatic voter registration and providing voters with pre-paid ballot envelopes. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) introduced the bill (pdf), saying in a press release that the legislation is meant to “fight voter suppression.” “Our democracy is stronger when every American can vote, without standing in ridiculous lines or having to take time off work or school to exercise their Constitutional rights,” Wyden said in a statement. The initiative stands in contrast to a bill […]

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Watch! The ‘Great Pretender’!

Welcoming the ‘Great Pretender’!   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Watch! The ‘Great Pretender’! appeared first on Redoubt News.

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