Bundy Protest Defender – I knelt and Prayed – Please God Stop My Hands From Shaking
Bundy Protest Defender Eric Parker – I knelt and Prayed – Please God, Stop My Hands From Shaking …
Eric Parker whom the Government refers to as “Black Hat” says in his Longbow interview – All I could do is hope I could give enough cover-fire so the women and children could get out if the BLM started shooting — I was on the bridge and I knelt to pray — Please God — Just stop my hands from shaking —
Operation Longbow was FBI agents pretending to be a documentary film crew who collected interviews without reading the targets their Miranda Rights —
Todd Engel was stripped of his right to defend himself!!
Gregory Burleson revealed as an FBI Informant since 2012
Government keeps talking about and showing close ups of a pink pistol on the hip of a woman but never mentions her name — I know who she is and tell you in this post —
Facebook info fueled many indictments and allowed informants to gather information about you —