What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been

What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been Commentary Congress should investigate fully the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol—and similar recent riots at iconic federal sites. But unfortunately, it never will. Why not? The current committee is not bipartisan. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) forbade Republican nominees traditionally selected by the House minority leader to serve on the committee. No speaker had ever before rejected the minority party’s nominees to a select House committee. Pelosi’s own cynical criteria for Republican participation was twofold: Any willing minority Republican members had to have voted to impeach former President Donald Trump […]

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WHAT?! Antifa Groups Are Using Patreon To Fund Violent ‘Insurrection’ Against America – Big League Politics

According to Patreon, creators like Laura Loomer, Sargon of Akkad, Milo Yiannopoulos, and the Proud Boys violate their terms of service.

But on the other side of the coin, Antifa creators that plot violent insurrection against the United States are A-Ok.

Research from watchdog group Far Left Watch  shows that groups who openly call for violence, in violation of the site’s Community Guidelines, are not being removed if they are on the left-wing of the political spectrum.

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Head of Oregon’s FBI: Bureau doesn’t designate Proud Boys as extremist group | oregonlive.com

The FBI has not designated the Proud Boys, whose members routinely appear at right-wing protests in downtown Portland, as an extremist group, Oregon’s top FBI agent said Tuesday.

The FBI never intended to do so when it briefed Clark County law enforcement leaders recently about regional threats, Special Agent in Charge Renn Cannon said during a wide-ranging meeting with media at the bureau’s Portland headquarters.

His comments directly counter an internal Clark County Sheriff’s Office memo that suggested otherwise and drew national attention.

In the FBI’s slide show in Clark County, agents talked about the Proud Boys, white supremacists, militia groups and anarchists, Cannon said.

Started in 2016 by conservative writer Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys have billed themselves as “pro-Western fraternal organization” and have vigorously fought accusations by critics that members are associated with white nationalists.

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Charlottesville32 Settlement and Public Statement – George Curbelo

As the New York Light Foot Militia State Commander, I am speaking officially on behalf of myself, George Curbelo – State Commander of the New York Light Foot Militia, Christian Yingling – State Commander of the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, Gary Sigler – State Commander of the Maryland III% People’s Militia, and the 29 other members of the 32, under the Command of the Christian Yingling and myself on August 12th 2017, who were at the unite the right rally in Charlottesville Virginia. On May 16th of 2018 we entered into a Consent Decree with the City of Charlottesville, settling the lawsuit against the above mentioned defendants. We have kept the 29 unnamed members of the 32 anonymous despite requests from the plaintiffs, the public and they will remain nameless. The 32 that stood on Market street, now known as the Charlottesville32 (C32),  remain blameless. The C32 maintained a measurable amount of peace on the 12th, were well-disciplined in a very hostile environment until they were overwhelmed, assaulted, and could only administer medical assistance to the wounded among the general public and themselves. This settlement conclusively resolves, and is final with respects to, all claims arising out of the event on August 12th 2017 between the parties. Yingling, Sigler, and myself, all felt that this settlement answered our need to protect the Charlottesville32 from any further action.

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New lawsuits against “militias” aims to prevent more violence in Charlottesville

Two newly filed lawsuits against the white nationalists and others who descended on Charlottesville during a summer rally aim to prevent the type of violent chaos that unfolded from happening again.

One of the lawsuits was filed Thursday in Charlottesville Circuit Court on behalf of the city, local businesses and neighborhood associations. It accuses organizers of the August “Unite the Right” rally, leading figures in the white nationalist movement and their organizations, as well as private militia groups and their leaders, of violating Virginia law by organizing and acting as paramilitary units.

It doesn’t seek monetary damages but asks for a court order prohibiting “illegal paramilitary activity.”

“Touted as an opportunity to protest the removal of a controversial Confederate statue, the event quickly escalated well beyond such constitutionally protected expression,” the lawsuit says. “Instead, private military forces transformed an idyllic college town into a virtual combat zone.”

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Portland Man who threw flare into cop car during May 1 protests gets 5 years?

A 23-year-old man who threw burning flares into a Portland police cruiser and the downtown Target store during May 1 protests that overran downtown Portland admitted guilt Monday and will be sentenced to five years in prison.

A local TV station aired live footage of Damion Zachary Feller hurling a flare through a shattered picture window at Target, prompting employees to run with fire extinguishers to put out a burning section of carpet. TV and cellphone cameras also caught Feller throwing a flare through the shattered window of a battered police SUV parked across the street from Target, at Southwest 10th Avenue and Morrison.

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To Agree or Disagree Respectfully. Why is it so Difficult in Todays World?

Our country was founded over 200 years ago after enough colonists agreed that the rule by the King of England no longer made sense for the colonies.  They did not agree on every aspect of the how and the why, but they all agreed that it must change.  The biggest aspect of agreement and disagreement in the birth of our Nation was the right of each human to agree and disagree.  There foremost ideal that drove the creation of our constitution, can be said to be creating a government that could stand for and thrive while maintaining this and other freedoms.

This turned out to be a humongous task and goal. First and foremost the procedure and processes for dealing with disagreement had to be agreed upon. There will always be different beliefs and ideals.  However, most of all they understood that in order to have peace while preserving everyone’s ability to exercise their Freedoms, they must have a process and rules for dealing with Disagreement or conflicts of personal Freedoms between all people. This is where the concept of Liberty was created and defined. Liberty, for the sake of our constitution, would be the definition of civility and common agreement on how to deal with Freedoms in all situations, including when there is disagreement.

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Patriot Prayer urges supporters to let the antifa beat them up in Portland, Oregon

Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson wants to defeat the so-called antifa movement so badly that he’s willing to take a punch or even a beating, and he wants others on the right to do the same.

Mr. Gibson implored his backers to remain peaceful and not hit back when and if they’re attacked by antifa, or anti-fascists, at the Peaceful Portland Freedom March and Texas Donation Drive, scheduled for Sept. 10 in the heart of liberal Oregon.

“It takes courage to take a beating, to take a beating and to not respond in hatred, but to respond in love,” Mr. Gibson said Friday on Facebook Live. “This is how we will win over Portland. This is how people will turn on antifa, and we will finally have a right, a privilege to march in Portland, or any of these areas, once the left and the media begin to call them out.”

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VIDEO: Anti-Marxism group plans to block Golden Gate Bridge Wednesday morning

The group called “Conservative Rustles” is calling for demonstrators to meet in San Francisco at 9 a.m. and march along the bridge.

“We will not let traffic pass until the city of San Francisco agrees that ‘Antifa’ is a terrorist organization,” the event’s description says.

The event even asks participants to bring their children saying “Antifa wouldn’t dare hurt the future generation of America, or would they…?”

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Berkeley Police Chief Brags: I Intentionally Allowed Antifa To Attack Peaceful Protesters Yesterday

Police in Berkeley, California deliberately allowed Antifa alt-leftists to jump barricades and attack peaceful right-wing protesters gathered in Civic Center Park on Sunday, according to numerous reports.

The Fresno Bee reports that the majority of individuals that showed up to protest the informal “No To Marxism” rally being held in the park were peaceful.

However, according to the outlet, there were more than 100 Antifa alt-leftists who also showed up to the event intent on stirring up violence and attacking the right-wing demonstrators.

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