Famous Artist Who Painted Obama Stepping On The Constitution Just Released Trump’s Painting – Spot The Difference?

There is a famous artist from Provo, Utah who painted a very controversial piece of art of a depressed man sitting on a park bench.  He is surrounded by all of the 43 Presidents, and in the forefront, President Barack Obama with his back turned to him stepping on the United States Constitution.

Now with the new American President, Donald Trump, he made a new painting and what a contrast of difference from the other. In this painting, you see the American people, different races, background professions surrounding the once depressed man who is now planting a tree, which could symbolize the tree of hope, and next to him is a woman and President Trump. The title is perfect of Trump’s legacy “You are not forgotten,” because that’s what he promised to the American people that he will fight for the average American middle class, and he will not forget them. His Presidency of almost half a year has already shown his dedication to the people. Bringing jobs back to the people, getting rid of the dangerous Obama care. Taking the fight to terrorism instead of paying them. This painting sums it all.

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Bundy Ranch Trial 2 – Steven Stewart, Eric Parker, Scott Drexler and Ricky Lovline

As this Second Trial goes forward with the changes including Side Bar conferences for objections to Jury Questions, much is being done on the record out of the view of the defendants, the public, and the media. We will be trying to get and archive in one place the daily minutes and unofficial transcripts as they become available.

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Editorial – Is Cliven Bundy an anti-Federalist?

When you work with words, your words should work.

While it was gratifying to see the morning paper finally get around to writing about the difficulty federal prosecutors are having getting jurors to convict armed protesters in Oregon and Bunkerville of conspiracy — Now, where have I read that before? — this one description of cattle rancher Cliven Bundy caused a bit of whiplash: “notorious anti-federalist rancher Cliven Bundy …”

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An Insider’s View on INFORMANTS – by Terri Linnell

Terri Linnell is known as “Mama Bear” to the Patriot community. She has been an activist since 2008, when her sleeping giant started to awaken. Terri has been to Washington DC three times for redress of grievances, and participated in the Bundy Ranch Standoff in Nevada.

She is known as “Betsy Ross” to the FBI community. She was given that name by the FBI when she agreed to be an informant at the Malheur Wildlife Protest in Burns, Oregon, during January 2016. Linnell later testified for the defense, stating clearly it was just a protest, protected under the first amendment.

Terri’s time as an informant was under 6 months, yet she will give you some insight to the inner workings of the FBI, and their handling of “Confidential Human Sources” and how the government is absolutely watching citizens.

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New acting deputy director eased tensions with Nev. ranchers

John Ruhs, who as director of the Bureau of Land Management’s Nevada state office drew widespread praise for helping defuse tensions between the agency and ranchers following the Cliven Bundy standoff three years ago, has been appointed BLM’s acting deputy director of operations.

Ruhs will replace Jerry Perez, who at the end of next month will return to California to resume his duties as state director, Mike Nedd, BLM’s acting director, said in an email sent yesterday to members of the agency’s executive leadership team.

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Gary Hunt Arrested – Full Interview from 2/10/17 – Updated March 31, 2017

This interview from 2/10/17 of Gary Hunt by The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report, is a full hour and forty minutes of interview. Topics covered from his beginning as Surveyor with IRS Difficulties in the 1980’s, to Court Orders from Anna Brown Related to his coverage of The Malhuer Wildlife Refuge Adverse Possession Attempt. Gary in his own words answers many question that people have recently put forth about his history and Character. A very Interesting and Eye Opening watch.

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Shawna Cox: What America needs to know about the Bunkerville trial

We just want to tell the truth, so why can’t the media go into court and show the world what really goes on in these Federal Courts? Why are they only allowed to take notes and draw pictures? The defendants want an open court and have asked for it but the Judge still refuses media access. The information that goes out by way of the major media is only a spin because their reporters don’t even stay in the courtroom the whole day. They report things of very little concern and try to keep the public in the dark.

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No laughter allowed in court, but ‘Bundy Court Sketches’ provided plenty of laughs after court

U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown often warned defendants, defense lawyers and spectators that she wouldn’t tolerate outbursts or laughter in the courtroom during the conspiracy trials against the occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

One man, often hunched over a small pad of paper and scribbling with a pencil in the back row, paid close attention to fill the void.

Scott Klatt would take notes on the witnesses or exchanges in court, quickly draw a brief scene, add a caption and some dialogue. Then he’d post his “Bundy Court Sketches” on Twitter and Facebook, providing plenty of laughs long after court recessed.

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Jake Ryan Patriot and hero PURE COUNTRY

Jake is a total country boy .
And unless you have lived in the mountains of Montana , grown your own food, milked goats and cows , and cut your own fire wood to survive, you may just not understand what real country life is like .

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Duane Ehmer – Patriot and hero – THE MAN WITH THE HORSE

He served in the military. He loves his country. He wears his American heritage with pride . He stands behind a constitution that he swore to uphold.

And his daughter is is pride and joy.

He’s a welder and a blacksmith.

He works for himself doing odd jobs that he finds, from mechanic work on vehicles, to welding and as a hobby black smithing, making art out of horseshoes.

Lady liberty become a mascot for the Refuge that the world will never forget.

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