Newspaper column: Trump immigration plan merits consideration « 4TH ST8

Minutes after President Trump announced in the Rose Garden this past week a plan to revise the priorities under which immigrants are accepted into the United States, Democrats and media outlets were calling his proposal dead on arrival, having no chance of being approved by Congress.

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Why a Republic and How do we Keep it? 

It was not easy for them to agree on the best form of government for the newly liberated nation.  They did much research, analysis, and debate to come to the final definition of our Constitutional Republic.

A large portion of the consideration was to the understanding of the failures of other efforts both currently and in history, and how those failures would be prevented.

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Oregon to Become First State to Require In-Home Surveillance of Newborns?

If you kill your baby in the womb, the government can have nothing to say about it but if you allow the child to live, the government is gonna’ be ALL up in your business.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown is pushing to make the state the first to require universal home visits for newborn children.

If your internal “uh-oh” alarms are not sounding loudly, please check your batteries.

The bill was introduced last month and orders the Oregon Health Authority to “study home visiting by licensed health care providers.”

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Fake News? Restore FCC Fairness Doctrine? Truth In Labeling? Ideas?

It would appear that each and every time the Doctrine has been revisited in Congress and/or the FCC, it was because there was significant outrage over biased commentary presented and/or perceived as NEWS.

Although the Cambridge definition of News has nothing in it about fair and balanced or unbiased presentation of the Facts, the Cambridge definition of Commentary clearly includes things like opinion, or biased being involved in the presentation.

Anyone that has studied Journalism in any degree has been exposed to the standards and ethics of the trade. These standards were created and adopted by the Society of Professional Journalists.

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