To Agree or Disagree Respectfully. Why is it so Difficult in Todays World?

Our country was founded over 200 years ago after enough colonists agreed that the rule by the King of England no longer made sense for the colonies.  They did not agree on every aspect of the how and the why, but they all agreed that it must change.  The biggest aspect of agreement and disagreement in the birth of our Nation was the right of each human to agree and disagree.  There foremost ideal that drove the creation of our constitution, can be said to be creating a government that could stand for and thrive while maintaining this and other freedoms.

This turned out to be a humongous task and goal. First and foremost the procedure and processes for dealing with disagreement had to be agreed upon. There will always be different beliefs and ideals.  However, most of all they understood that in order to have peace while preserving everyone’s ability to exercise their Freedoms, they must have a process and rules for dealing with Disagreement or conflicts of personal Freedoms between all people. This is where the concept of Liberty was created and defined. Liberty, for the sake of our constitution, would be the definition of civility and common agreement on how to deal with Freedoms in all situations, including when there is disagreement.

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How does Las Vegas prevent catastrophic floods? The answer is in this exhibition

In 1917, Marcel Duchamp turned a urinal on its back, signed it “R Mutt” and presented it as a work of art. The public was outraged. Even today, people believe that the Frenchman was making fun of artistic pretensions and that his work mocked old-fashioned ideas about tastefulness.

That’s true. But I also think that Duchamp was impressed with America’s plumbing. It’s just as interesting to think of his sculpture as an invitation to look at the ways cities in the United States channel water — pumping, flushing and dumping it, through pipes, aqueducts and rivers — to make modern life clean and safe.

That’s what “Desert Ramparts: Defending Las Vegas From the Flood” does. At the Center for Land Use Interpretation in Culver City, the eye-opening exhibition takes visitors on a trip through the desert around Las Vegas, where the Regional Flood Control District of Clark County has, during the last 30 years, overseen the construction of about 650 miles of concrete, rock and gravel channels and more than 100 detention basins, each the size of a small lake.

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Roger Stone Will Call On Trump To Pardon Bundy and Supporters

Longtime GOP strategist Roger Stone will petition his former boss, President Donald Trump, to pardon the ringleader of a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents.

Stone announced on Twitter Friday night that he would appeal to Trump on behalf of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who will stand trial Oct. 10 for inciting a rebellion against Bureau of Land Management officials that attempted to stop Bundy from illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

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Reveler who lept into the flames of blazing effigy in front of 70,000 stunned Burning Man festival-goers has DIED

The man who evaded several rangers and security guards to leap into the Burning Man effigy has died 
He was pulled from the burning structure and treated him on scene before he was airlifted to a burn center
Pershing County Sheriff Jerry Allen confirmed the death but said the man has not been identified publicly
Approximately 70,000 people from all over the world gathered for the festival in Nevada’s Black Rock Dese

A man rescued from the flames at the Burning Man festival’s signature burning of a towering effigy has died after being airlifted to a hospital.

Pershing County Sheriff Jerry Allen said the man ran through a human-chain of security officers at about 10:30 p.m. Saturday during the Man Burn event at the counter-culture festival.

The sheriff said the man was rescued by firefighters and later died at the UC Davis hospital burn center in California.

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Patriot Prayer urges supporters to let the antifa beat them up in Portland, Oregon

Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson wants to defeat the so-called antifa movement so badly that he’s willing to take a punch or even a beating, and he wants others on the right to do the same.

Mr. Gibson implored his backers to remain peaceful and not hit back when and if they’re attacked by antifa, or anti-fascists, at the Peaceful Portland Freedom March and Texas Donation Drive, scheduled for Sept. 10 in the heart of liberal Oregon.

“It takes courage to take a beating, to take a beating and to not respond in hatred, but to respond in love,” Mr. Gibson said Friday on Facebook Live. “This is how we will win over Portland. This is how people will turn on antifa, and we will finally have a right, a privilege to march in Portland, or any of these areas, once the left and the media begin to call them out.”

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Berkeley Police Chief Brags: I Intentionally Allowed Antifa To Attack Peaceful Protesters Yesterday

Police in Berkeley, California deliberately allowed Antifa alt-leftists to jump barricades and attack peaceful right-wing protesters gathered in Civic Center Park on Sunday, according to numerous reports.

The Fresno Bee reports that the majority of individuals that showed up to protest the informal “No To Marxism” rally being held in the park were peaceful.

However, according to the outlet, there were more than 100 Antifa alt-leftists who also showed up to the event intent on stirring up violence and attacking the right-wing demonstrators.

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Antifa, Patriot movement protesters return to Portland waterfront with new tactics

Joey Gibson said at the beginning of the summer protest season that he had turned over a new leaf. The alt-right leader known for bombastic Facebook posts and pugilistic pronouncements advocated a new tactic. He doesn’t want to pick physical fights. He wants conversation.

Gibson used to hurl his conservative message mixed with insults at people on the streets of Portland, but now he hopes to convert the city’s overwhelmingly liberal residents to his Patriot Prayer movement with peace and inclusion. At the same time, he has hosted controversial white supremacist speakers and drawn loud counter-protests.

Gibson, a self-employed Vancouver, Washington, activist, will be back again Sunday on the Portland waterfront with plans to march.

And so will the anti-fascist activists known as antifa who wear black and mask their faces.

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Interior head to stop in Nevada hometown of standoff family

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was expected to make a stop Sunday in the hometown of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher accused of organizing an armed standoff three years ago that forced federal agents to end a roundup of his cattle.

Zinke’s planned stop in Bunkerville, Nevada — about 80 miles (129 kilometers) northeast of Las Vegas — is part of his tour of national monuments being scrutinized by the Trump administration.

Trump announced the review of 27 monuments in May, saying the designations imposed by previous presidents amounted to a massive federal land grab. Monument designations protect federal land from energy development and other activities.

Zinke plans the stop in Bunkerville ahead of visits Monday to the nearby Gold Butte and Basin and Range national monuments, which cover a combined 1,500 square miles (3,885 sq. kilometers) — more than twice the size of Delaware.

Gold Butte is the grazing area at the center of the cattle round-up and armed standoff in April 2014 involving Bundy and federal land management agents.

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Review of Nevada’s national monuments chills legislator

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is expected in Nevada soon to review two national monuments here, but the Democratic congressman who represents the area said he feels left out of the process.

At a press conference in Las Vegas on Friday, Rep. Ruben Kihuen called it “highly disrespectful” for Zinke not to tell him about his upcoming visit or respond to a letter the congressman sent to Zinke’s office a week ago about the ongoing national monuments review.

President Donald Trump has ordered Zinke to scrutinize 22 monuments created by presidential decree since Jan. 1, 1996, to determine if the designations should be scaled back or eliminated to allow more public use and economic development. Five marine national monuments in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are also under review.

During a June 26 stop in Pahrump, Zinke promised to return to Nevada in July to talk to local stakeholders and tour Gold Butte and Basin and Range national monuments before he decides whether they should be reduced, rescinded or left intact.

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Roger Stone Calls Out Donald Trump To Release Bundy Rancher Prisoners

Roger Stone calls out Donald Trump at the STAND Event in Las Vegas, asks him to pardon the Bundy’s, who were incarcerated during the Oregan Standoff. Host Tony Sweet and Captain Ron attended the event hosted by Dean Ryan in Las Vegas. Sign the petition to help convince President Donald to Pardon them at

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Rallies support defendants in Bunkerville standoff case

Hundreds of supporters turned out at a Las Vegas event Saturday night supporting the defendants facing trial in the Bunkerville standoff case.

They gathered at Rainbow Gardens to hear speeches from Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore, members of the Bundy family and even Roger Stone, an on-and-off adviser for President Donald Trump.

A trial in the Bunkerville standoff case opens Monday at the Lloyd George U.S. Courthouse, but instead of trying a new set of defendants, prosecutors will begin their second attempt to convict four men accused of conspiring against the government with rancher Cliven Bundy.

The retrial comes after an April mistrial, when jurors deadlocked on 50 of the 60 counts against the first group of defendants in the three-part case. Prosecutors eventually plan to try 17 men on charges stemming from the April 2014 armed standoff between individual rights activists and Bureau of Land Management agents, who came to Bunkerville to seize Bundy’s cattle from public land over unpaid grazing fees.

The overarching theme at Saturday event: The “mainstream media” hasn’t given the Bundy family a voice.

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AG Sessions: ‘I’m not taking sides’ in Bundy case

Meanwhile, Roger Stone — the longtime on-and-off adviser to Trump — is scheduled to speak at a pro-Bundy rally in Las Vegas this weekend to raise money for the rancher’s legal defense fund.

“The Bundy Ranch case hasn’t gotten the proper coverage it deserves and what’s more outrageous is the Govt’s conduct towards 17 men arrested at a Rally in support of the Bundy family,” Stone said in an emailed statement.

The event is scheduled for Saturday evening at the Rainbow Gardens of Las Vegas, is described in a promotional YouTube video as “a benefit for the Patriots who stood up for the natural rights of all Americans currently serving time as political prisoners under the corruption of federal bureaucracies.

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#STAND in Las Vegas on July15th to Have Roger Stone and Other Special Guests

We are so proud of the work being done for the STAND event to be held here in Las Vegas this July 15th!! From 10:00 AM to 2:00 Pm a rally to kick off the event – lead by American Freedom Warriors & aligned with groups from across the Country Like Come & Take It Texas – will be front & center in downtown Las Vegas at the Federal Courthouse.

This rally promises to be the biggest and loudest protest to bring local awareness to the Bundy Political Prisoners – to date!

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KrisAnne Hall : Official Statement Regarding Federal Hypocrisy in Oregon

protest last year.  The organizers of the Rainbow Family gathering have obtained no permit for their event and, according to Capitol Press, are already have an impact on the environment of the Preserve.
The Rainbow Family Gathering in Oregon should make federal government hypocrisy undeniably evident.  Many who are angry at this double standard are saying that there is no difference between this event and the rancher protest that occurred last year.  However, there is one big difference, and it’s this difference that is the reason for the federal government’s double standard.

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Ranchers fume as ‘Rainbow Family’ set to camp on federal land in Oregon

The U.S. Forest Service acknowledged there isn’t much it can do about a “Rainbow Family” gathering expected to bring thousands of counter-culture types to the Malheur National Forest in Eastern Oregon over the next two weeks.

The organizers don’t have a permit, and the Forest Service’s response to that has angered area residents such as rancher Loren Stout, who lives near the gathering spot and has a federal grazing permit on land adjacent to it.

He said the Forest Service would punish ranchers if they ignored permit requirements and tapped a spring for drinking water like the Rainbow Family has done. Stout said it took him two years to get a National Environmental Policy Act permit to drill an exploratory mining hole.

“People are furious over this,” Stout said. “Not because it’s a friggin’ bunch of hippies, it’s the different standards.”

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Free Jerry DeLemus, Support Donald Trump Rally to be Held April 29

CONCORD, NH — Granite Staters on Saturday, April 29, 2017, from 1 to 3 p.m. will be meeting in front of the NH State House at 107 N. Main St. in Concord to show support for Rochester resident and decorated U.S. Marine Gerald (Jerry) DeLemus, and for President Donald Trump, according to a press statement. DeLemus was arrested by FBI agents in March 2016 and transported to Nevada on a charge in connection with the 2014 tense standoff involving Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy.

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Bundy Ranch – Urgent Call to Action

Please listen to this recording of Ryan Bundy dated March 24, 2017. The quality is bad due to the horrible quality of the phone that the prison provides to NON CONVICTED prisoners. But, you should be able to understand most of it, listen with earphones.
URGENT! CALL N. Hackmaster, Assistant Director Prison Operations, U.S. Marshal Service 703-740-8400.

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BLM council to meet about public lands, tour Red Cliffs

ST. GEORGE – The Bureau of Land Management-Utah’s Resource Advisory Council will hold meetings in St. George Thursday and Friday, including a field tour of the Red Cliffs National Conservation area.
On Feb. 23, the council will meet from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the BLM-Utah St. George Field Office/Arizona Strip District Office, 345 E. Riverside Drive. A one-hour public comment period will take place from 3-4 p.m. during this session.

On Feb. 24, the council will meet at the field office from 8-10 a.m. and then proceed to the optional field tour of Red Cliffs from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. the public is invited to attend the field tour; the BLM asks those interested RSVP to Lisa Bryant at telephone 435-260-7003.

Agenda topics for the meetings include an introduction of new BLM managers, an update on the Planning 2.0 Rule (a 2016 initiative to increase public involvement and incorporate the most current data and technology into the BLM’s land use planning) and updates on current resource management planning efforts and projects including the greater sage-grouse.

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Ensuring that “the meeting with LaVoy Finicum that never happened”, happens, is important.

Ensuring that “the meeting with LaVoy Finicum that never happened”, happens, is important. In so doing we honor all those who have courageously stood against what felt like the unbeatable. What a wonderful day it was when the jury gave a not guilty verdict to the first set of political prisoners.

This was bitter sweet day for the Finicum family because LaVoy Finicum would have been sent home that day if it was not for out of control agents who had denied LaVoy his right to life, due process and a fair trial.

Finicum Family Liberty Rising Mission

We the Finicum Family, seeking to better understand, maintain and defend our God given rights to further our eternal happiness, will virtuously let our voices be heard educating on the principles of the Constitution and our testimonies be seen for Personal Property Rights, Liberty, Freedom and one that has become even more near and dear to us as of late, the importance of LIFE

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Ryan Bundy’s Detention Hearing ordered Reopened!

US Magistrate George Foley, Jr. has Ordered that a Detention Hearing be reopened on January 24, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. Courtroom 3A. We are asking your support by joining us for a Rally in front of the Las Vegas Federal District Court House on the same day between 11:00am to 5:00pm.

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Jon Ritzheimer To Question Informant Mark McConnell In upcoming Harassment Hearing

I have some questions for Mark McConnell concerning his role as an informant and if that role includes threatening me while I’m having dinner – says Ritzheimer. If this guy is still on the payroll I think I have a right to know, especially if he is going to approach me with a weapon and challenge me to a fight. Is he following me around Phoenix in an ongoing FBI effort to implicate me in some kind of wrong-doing or is he just harassing me because he enjoys being a bully? He’ll be under oath and I look forward to finally being able to ask this guy some questions …

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New Years Eve Protest Against Gold Butte National Monument

The time is now to rise up and let our voices be heard. The Government has once again abused us with their overreaching power. It is our duty and obligation to STAND UP and get the attention of OUR elected officials. If you enjoy Gold Butte, camping, picnics, 4-wheeling, hunting, fishing and just enjoying this Public Land please come out and let your voices be heard. They will soon shut down access to this land that many of us have enjoyed Freely for many years with our friends and family!!!

Bring your family, neighbors and friends. Bring your Flags, signs and voices and let us stand as WE THE PEOPLE in a Peaceful Protest. IT MATTERS HOW YOU STAND!!!!

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