Gary Hunt – Burns Chronicles No 58 – “Twice Put in Jeopardy”

Burns Chronicles No 58 “Twice Put in Jeopardy”   Gary Hunt Outpost of Freedom March 23, 2017 Of course, we must start with the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, as it is the “supreme Law of the Land.  The pertinent part reads: “No person… shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.” Now, that phrase, “twice put in jeopardy” is also referred to as “Double Jeopardy”, though whichever way we choose to phrase it, the meaning is quite simple.  If you are charged with a crime, absent a mistrial […]

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Gary Hunt – Freedom of the Press #12 – Fully Biased Instigators

When I was in the Army, I had to obey the orders that were given to me, by my superiors. That obligation ceased nearly fifty years ago.

Since that time, I have only taken “orders” from my employer or supervisor, though I have given “orders” to subordinates, as a part of my supervisory responsibilities in various positions I have held.

I have also given “orders” for food or other purchases, as I don’t expect waitresses or clerks to be mind readers.

In all of the above instances, there has been a relationship predicated on the fact that there was some implied obligation by virtue of the relationship, fiduciary or voluntary, between the “orderer” and the “orderee“. Yes, I made those two words up, but I suppose that all reading this will get the point being made.

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Gary Hunt – Freedom of the Press #11 Aiding, But Not Abetting

The government has persistently suggested that I have “aided and abetted” the defendants by exposing informants that were paid by the government to spy on the occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge during January 2016. That is only one of the elements that needs to exist before the Court can find me in contempt of court for non-compliance with the Order to remove all prohibited material from my website and any other website.

The other elements include whether I am subject to the Court’s Protective Order, and, if so, do I fall within the jurisdiction of the Court. Currently, the Court has an outstanding Order that I appear and show cause why I should not be held in contempt of court.

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Gary Hunt – Freedom of the Press #10, Not Served, Again

As has been reported by Maxine Bernstein’s Tweets (my primary source for keeping track of the doings in the Portland Group 2 trial), I have finally been served with the Order to Show Cause (ECF No. 1901). I say “finally” since the first notice had come from Maxine. Next, I received a FedEx delivery. However, that doesn’t satisfy initial service. So, On Wednesday, February 22, I received a call from my favorite FBI personality. SA Matthew Catalano. He is good natured, diligent in his duties, and appears to have not taken a side in this ongoing battle between Judge Anna J. Brown and the United States’ chief Shyster, Billy J. Williams, on the one side, and yours truly on the other. I had already made plans for Thursday, and he seemed quite busy with other matters, so we agreed to meet on Friday. When we met, he handed me some paperwork, specifically the Order to Show Cause.

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Gary Hunt – Freedom of the Press #8 – “Qualified Press Privilege”

Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
February 21, 2017
In Freedom of the Press #6 – “Tilting at Windmills” – Redux, I address the jurisdictional issue that the government addressed in their Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Government’s Motion For an Order to Show Cause, of February 7, 2017. Due to the length of the Supplement, and the length of #6, I chose to address two remaining issues in a subsequent post. Those two issues, Prior Restraint and Qualified Press, will be addressed in that order.

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Gary Hunt – Freedom of the Press #7 “Judicial Discretion” and Tyranny

Let’s review this whole situation from the beginning. After all, it has taken a month and a half to get to this point, so perhaps a refresher is in order.

On January 5, 2017, I was hand served a “Cease and Desist Letter” by an FBI agent. Since the service was disclosed on Facebook, I wrote a “Statement with regard to the Freedom of the Press“, on January 6. That was followed with a series entitled “Freedom of the Press“, beginning on January 7 entitled Freedom of the Press #1 – Meeting with the FBI. The following day, January 8, I explained the Cease and Desist Letter with Freedom of the Press #2 – Cease and Desist.

These events were preceded by a number of articles that I had written in the “Burns Chronicles” series. In those articles, I exposed FBI informants associated with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, Oregon. The information used to identify and expose the informants was derived from some Discovery documents I had obtained.

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Gary Hunt – Freedom of the Press #6 – “Tilting at Windmills” – Redux

I have noticed over the years, that some believe in quality, as I do, and others believe in quantity. They think that throwing out a massive missive will drown the opposition in, well, paper. It appears this is the new approach by the United States Attorney, and minions, from Portland, Oregon. They have, with their most recent filing (Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Government’s Motion For an Order to Show Cause), on February 7, exceeded all my expectations, in terms of quantity. They have cited 30 court decisions. I have reviewed five of the cited cases, though I will comment on more of them. Since their research is of such poor quality, I would be my pleasure to review cases for them in the future. However, if I work for the government, my prices will not be discounted. Considering how poorly their current hired help performs, it just might be worthwhile for them to get it right, for a change.

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Burns Chronicles No  55 Marshall Spring & Ben

Marshall Sawyer Spring served as a Marine in Iraq with one of the defendants. He received a Purple Heart, but his honor stopped there. His and Ben’s betrayal, of patriots and fellow Marines, as informants includes not only informing, but goes well beyond, as you will see.

Spring and his partner, known only as “Ben”, live in Loveland, Colorado. Spring is a “Marshal” appointed such by Bruce Doucette, self-appointed”United States Superior Court Judge”. This would, according to the “appointment”, make Spring’s title “Marshal Marshall Spring”.  Doucette arranged to meet Spring and “Ben” in Burns, to set up a Common Law Grand Jury. Spring and Ben’s visit to Burns coincides with the two FBI form 1023 (CHS Reporting Document) reports, and it is quite apparent that the reports are tracking Doucette as much as they are the events in Burns.

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Burns Chronicles No 51 – William “Will” Kullman (Night Hawk)

Jon Ritzheimer had put out a call for more people to come to the Refuge, shortly after the occupation on January 2, 2016. Many people who supported the effort being made by Ammon Bundy and the others resent that message.

On January 3, Will Kullman contacted Maureen Peltier (SSG Moe). Peltier was one of those who had passed the message on. His first contact with Peltier shows that he was from Lake Stevens, Washington and that he was Founder of “Kullman Combat Organization”.

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Burns Chronicles No 49 – Thomas S. Dyman (Tom Dyman)

Thomas S. Dyman was considered for a Second Tier position in Operation Mutual Defense (OMD). The structure of OMD had three tiers. The First Tier is the Advisory Board. The Second Tier is those who could assist in research; webpage management, specialty skills, or other capabilities that would work with the Advisory Board. The Third Tier would be those recruited by the Second tier to assist them, though they would not be under the Advisory Board.

Being recommended by Ryan Payne, he had to fill out an application. In the application, he admits that he had a criminal record and refers to a background check. OMD never received the background check.

A search resulted in finding at least one criminal charge against Dyman. He was arrested in 2011 for having taken his children from his first wife, back in 1995. The children had become adults, and apparently the charges were dropped.

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Burns Chronicles No 47 Robert “Rob” Seever

Rob Seever joined a start up militia in Fallon, Nevada, started by Corey Lequieu in January 2015. He had been a reserve deputy in Yamhill County and a clerk of a District Attorney in Washington, before moving to Nevada. He met Lequieu through Modern Militia Movement (MMM). Lequieu and Seever became close friends over the following months.

Lequieu had been active with Operation Mutual Aid (OMA), an organization created by Jerry Bruckhart and Ryan Payne. Many of those who participated in discussions appended “OMA” to their Facebook names and otherwise express their commitment to what OMA stood for.

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Burns Chronicles No 44 – Mark McConnell

I first interviewed Mark McConnell back in August 2015 That interview was in regard to Parris Frazier and his effort to steal cartel drugs and sell them (Arizona Misfits – A Bad Operation Gone Worse). McConnell seemed to have an extraordinary knowledge of some of the facts surrounding that incident, which was quite useful in researching for that story. It never occurred to me, at the time, that this knowledge would have been extremely beneficial to law enforcement, leading up to the bust.

The Criminal Complaint that lead to the arrest of Frazier and his cohorts began with the government putting an undercover employee (UCE) in a position provide access to Frazier to make the government’s plans to set Frazier up for the bust. This scenario omits what led up to the bringing in the UCE, so there was a substantial part of the story that was missing. It is quite possible that they chose not to mention a confidential human source (CHS) that provided the background that led to the setup of Frazier. Or, possibly, any such report was filed on form 302, an “Investigation Report”.

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Burns Chronicles No 43 – Terri Linnell (Mama Bear) #2

My initial article on informants was “Terri Linnell (Mama Bear)“. That article was written because Terri had contacted me prior to testifying in the Portland trial of the first seven defendants. The article was based solely on information provided to me, not what was reported to the government. In my subsequent articles, I have since obtained redacted versions of the “CHS Reporting Documents”, and am now able to provide insight into what Terri reported.

What Terri reported during her role as an informant has not been made public, though some have expressed a concern as to what she said and what might be damaging to the defendants. As Terri claimed in her statement in the above linked article, her job was, primarily, to keep and eye on six people — Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Jon Ritzheimer, Blaine Cooper, Ryan Payne, Pete Santilli, and Joe O’Shaughnessy. So, from those reports that have exemplified the role of informants, following is the role that Terri played.

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Burns Chronicles No 42 – Fabio Minoggio (John Killman)

For the sake of this article, I will use the name that those at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) knew him by, John Killman. However, his real name is Fabio Minoggio, from Switzerland, and currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada, or northwestern Arizona.

There is little information in his Fabio Minoggio Facebook page, though it appears that he was born in Pallanza, Italy. He claims to still live in Locarno, Switzerland. He may have been born January 1, 1971, as implied by a date shown on the John Killman Facebook page.

At this point, we only have what he said to the defense attorneys, when asked why he went to the refuge. He told them, “I am in this because of my love of gun safety,” according to the lawyers’ notes. He also said he didn’t want to miss a “moment in history.*” This claim doesn’t bear fruit, since, while on the witness stand, in response to a question about expenses, he said “I was going into harm’s way, so I had to buy ballistic vests”. From whom did he sense a threat?

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Burns Chronicles No 41 – Dennis Dickenson (Dennis Jones)

On October 11, 2015, the initial Operation Mutual Defense (OMD) Advisory Board (AB) held their first meeting. Each meeting had an agenda and the AB members agreed to record the telephonic meetings, for the record. The recordings were then place in a Dropbox folder, accessible only to the AB members. There was also a private mail-list group set up, again restricted only to AB members.

The AB was comprised of five members. The only member that was known only by one other member, Ryan Payne, was a retired military officer named Dennis Roy Dickenson. Dickenson had endeared himself to Ryan when he was going to fly up to Montana on April 10, 2014. The meeting never occurred, as Ryan had left for the Bundy Ranch on April 7.

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Burns Chronicles No 40 – Allen Varner – Wolf

Burns Chronicles No 40 Allen Varner (Wolf)

When I wrote “What is Brandon Curtiss?“, I had nothing but gratitude for Wolf. He had stepped up when I was faced with Brandon Curtiss and his goons. His involvement allowed me to continue packing in order to leave Burns. The above picture was taken during this event.

There were some unanswered questions from an earlier incident. When the shootout occurred at Camp Lone Star, back on August 29, 2014, Varner was with Kevin “KC” Massey and John Foerster, on the Texas Border near Brownsville, when a Border Patrol (BP) Agent fired in the direction of Foerster. (See “The Arrest of K. C. Massey“.) Now questions arose as to Foerster’s role, but Varner appeared to be without sin. Varner, however, was the first to offer his pistol, in his belt under his shirt, to the BP agent, which led to Massey then turning his pistol over to BP. In hindsight, there were other questionable actions by Varner, though unrelated to the topic at hand.

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