Rep. Sage Dixon – You Have Made A Great Mistake

Rep. Sage Dixon – You Have Made A Great Mistake Hello Representative Sage Dixon, I think you have made a great mistake as chair of the Ethics Committee for allowing these alleged charges of ethical misconduct to be brought against Rep. Priscilla Giddings. I’m hearing a lot of negative talk about you and the Ethics Committee, and people wanting you removed from office because of your misuse of power and your affiliation with Speaker Scott Bedke. The appearance is… “birds of a feather flock together.” I hate the thought of a Christian conservative legislator starting out with good intentions, and […]

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Defying Unethical Charges: Interview With Rep. Giddings

Defying Unethical Charges: Interview With Rep. Giddings  *Editor’s Note:  True Idaho News obtained an exclusive interview with Idaho Rep. Priscilla Giddings, a solid conservative being maligned by Sage Dixon’s “Ethics” committee under the direction of Speaker of the House Scott Bedke. They have allowed Redoubt News to share this Eye Opening interview with you. by Daniel Bobinski It is the opinion of multiple legislators that Idaho’s House Ethics and Policy Committee has become weaponized. The Committee’s “hearings” are not hearings. They are now known as dog-and-pony shows designed to embarrass and smear their target while exercising their role as prosecutor, […]

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Defying Unethical Charges: Interview With Rep. Giddings

Defying Unethical Charges: Interview With Rep. Giddings  *Editor’s Note:  True Idaho News obtained an exclusive interview with Idaho Rep. Priscilla Giddings, a solid conservative being maligned by Sage Dixon’s “Ethics” committee under the direction of Speaker of the House Scott Bedke. They have allowed Redoubt News to share this Eye Opening interview with you. by Daniel Bobinski It is the opinion of multiple legislators that Idaho’s House Ethics and Policy Committee has become weaponized. The Committee’s “hearings” are not hearings. They are now known as dog-and-pony shows designed to embarrass and smear their target while exercising their role as prosecutor, […]

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Gun Rights WIN In Oregon!

Gun Rights WIN In Oregon! by Shari Dovale After years of battling Bloomberg and Everytown over gun rights, Columbia County Oregon fought for and passed both the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance (SAPO) and the Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance (SASO) to guarantee your rights in their county. The county commissioners were not happy and proceeded to pull liberal dirty tricks from their grab bags and sabotage the citizens of the county. Rewriting both bills and combining them into a single bill with no teeth, or consequences, they found a way to get the new bill in front of a judge. The […]

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What is Woke Really About?

What is Woke Really About? Wokeness is many things. But increasingly it seems a cover for careerism, profiteering—and utter incompetence. By Victor Davis Hanson Most Americans were as indifferent to the unexpected loss of our Olympic women’s soccer team as they were once excited about their World Cup win. In between was the team’s nonstop politicking, from whining about compensation to virtue signaling their disrespect for the United States. The celebrity face of the team, perennial scold Megan Rapinoe, is going the way of teenage grouch Greta Thunberg—becoming more pinched and scowling the more she is tuned out. BLM co-founder and […]

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Cuba: The Dictatorship and “Blockade” Lie

Cuba: The Dictatorship and “Blockade” Lie By Daniel Lacalle Cuba is a dictatorship that uses terror and propaganda to repress its people. It locks citizens up, strips them of the most basic human rights, silences them, and confronts families using extortion and threats. The regime’s constant practices of illegal detention, the personal ruin of political dissidents, and limitation of fundamental rights have nothing to do with any blockade or embargo but everything to do with the totalitarian Communist dictatorship. All the propaganda that whitewashes the Cuban dictatorship is based on two lies: the nonexistent “blockade” and the allegedly excellent “public health.” Cuba only suffers from one […]

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RECALL BILL BROOKS Can You Help? July 28, 2021 Help is needed for petitions to recall Bill Brooks as County Commissioner. Personally I feel that if he thought the job was more than he wanted to handle he should not have run for commissioner. Here are the reasons from the petition: * Proposal and support of a study group to restructure the Kootenai County Government potentially removing the rights of the citizens of Kootenai County to directly elect our Sheriff, Prosecutor, Treasurer, Assessor, Clerk and Coroner. * His blockage of an ordinance establishing Kootenai County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary […]

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Advice From Smokejumpers

Advice From Smokejumpers By Terry Noonkester The public regards firefighters as heros for saving our lives, homes, businesses and public lands from devastating wildfires. The men with boots on the ground have our undying gratitude. However, Forest Service policy changes have created devastating hurdles for todays firefighters. These changes have resulted in many more megafires as illustrated for us in this graph that was compiled by the National Smokejumpers Association. The red line on the graph tracks the acres burned per year starting with the year 1910 on the left. The first three decades were before the smokejumpers existed, and […]

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Authoritarians Drunk on Power

Authoritarians Drunk on Power It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead It is time to recalibrate the government. For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry. By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach […]

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Facebook And The Gospel

Facebook And The Gospel By Mike Huckabee Facebook has started partnering with churches to make the platform a virtual home for religious communities and to help their message and services “go further farther on Facebook.” Facebook Getting Involved in Religion, Signs Contract with Megachurch as Platform’s Director of ‘Global Faith Partnerships’ Reveals What’s Coming I admit to having mixed feelings about this. Anything that helps spread the Gospel is good. And all their talk about reaching the world with your faith is certainly a tempting apple to dangle. But Facebook has a reputation for getting people dependent on it, and […]

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Commissioner Bradshaw Announces for Idaho Governor

Commissioner Bradshaw Announces for Idaho Governor by Shari Dovale Bonner County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw announced his candidacy for Idaho Governor with the platform: Restore Our American Republic. “We face tremendous threats from massive federal overreach to our way of life as Idahoans. Biden’s radical federal regime wants to run roughshod over the sovereignty of Idaho, and the freedom of Idahoans. Washington DC technocrats want to dictate every detail of how we live our lives. But their “one size fits all” Washington DC solutions just don’t work here. So I am never going to allow that to happen.” The platform focuses […]

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CDC Quietly Revokes PCR Emergency Use Authorization

CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic By Mike Adams After more than a year of committing scientific fraud to push false “positives” via PCR testing, the CDC has announced it is withdrawing the RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel on December 31st of this year: After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing […]

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The Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us

The Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us by Ron Paul The recent felony conviction and eight month prison sentence of January 6th protester Paul Hodgkins is an affront to any notion of justice. It is a political charge and a political verdict by a political court. Every American regardless of political persuasion should be terrified of a court system so beholden to politics instead of justice. We’ve seen this movie before and it does not end well. Worse than this miscarriage of justice is the despicable attempt by the prosecutor in the case to label Hodgkins – who […]

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Dallas Texas Democrat Stupidity

Dallas Texas Democrat Stupidity by Shari Dovale I wish I had not stumbled upon an absolutely stupid comment by a member of the Dallas Democrats. This led to verification of another stupid comment, and onto an entire thread of stupidity on Twitter. But, the Dims do not see their actions and comments as lacking in intelligence, so I am sure it is time to enlighten them. It began with an article from the Political Insider mocking these ijits over needing Dr. Pepper and money to ship it to Washington DC. Over the weekend, the official Twitter account for the Dallas […]

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It is Worse Than You Think

It is Worse Than You Think by John D. Guandolo A friend and colleague who has dedicated years of his life in the counter-jihad effort shared with me this week that he was shocked at just how deeply corrupted the U.S. military leadership is with their anti-American and pro-communist ideology. His revelation came, in part, from reading Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier’s book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. Lohmeier is the U.S. Space Force officer who was relieved of duty because he dared to speak out about the Marxist indoctrination taking place across […]

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White House Continues It’s Agenda of Lying

White House Continues It’s Agenda of Lying by Shari Dovale Since the first press conference held after His Fraudulency moved into the White House, “Miss Information” has been saying they will bring “truth and transparency back to the briefing room.” Yet even the main stream media cannot pretend that this administration much resembles anything transparent. This week brings the latest lies, in that the numbers of “breakthrough” covid cases at the White House will not be released. The term “breakthrough cases” refers to fully vaccinated individuals who have come down with Covid-1984. The news outlet Axios reported that an unnamed […]

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White House Continues It’s Agenda of Lying

White House Continues It’s Agenda of Lying by Shari Dovale Since the first press conference held after His Fraudulency moved into the White House, “Miss Information” has been saying they will bring “truth and transparency back to the briefing room.” Yet even the main stream media cannot pretend that this administration much resembles anything transparent. This week brings the latest lies, in that the numbers of “breakthrough” covid cases at the White House will not be released. The term “breakthrough cases” refers to fully vaccinated individuals who have come down with Covid-1984. The news outlet Axios reported that an unnamed […]

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Democrats Sign Letter to SECSTATE to Impose Barbaric Sharia on U.S. Citizens

Democrats Sign Letter to SECSTATE to Impose Barbaric Sharia on U.S. Citizens by John D. Guandolo “Islamophobia” is a term the Global Islamic Movement uses to suppress all criticism of Islam and impose the Islamic Law of Slander on all people. The Islamic Law of Slander (Ghiba) states: “Slander means to mention anything concerning a person (muslim) that he would dislike.” [Um Dat al Salik, Islamic Sacred Law, Published in Beltsville, Maryland] The punishment for slander in sharia (Islamic Law) is death. Just ask Theo van Gogh or all the men and women killed by sharia-adherent muslims at the offices […]

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Statewide Patrols Target Aggressive Driving During 100 Deadliest Days

Statewide Patrols Target Aggressive Driving During 100 Deadliest Days   Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is teaming up with the Idaho Transportation Department’s Office of Highway Safety (OHS) to keep Idaho roads safe this summer. Beginning Friday, July 23, the Sheriffs Office will join close to 60 law enforcement agencies statewide putting extra officers on the roads looking for aggressive drivers. The effort comes in the middle of the 100 Deadliest Days on Idaho roads, when there is an increase in fatal crashes between Memorial Day and Labor Day. According to OHS preliminary data, 40 people have died in crashes in […]

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The Second Amendment’s Right to Bear Arms: What It Means

The Second Amendment’s Right to Bear Arms: What It Means By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”—The Second Amendment to the US Constitution You can largely determine where a person will fall in the debate over gun control and the Second Amendment based on their view of government and the role it should play in our lives. In the first group are those who see the government as a Nanny State, empowered to […]

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“Diversify Our Narrative” – MORE Leftist Brainwashing In Schools

“Diversify Our Narrative” MORE Leftist Brainwashing In Schools By Mike Huckabee Just yesterday, I received an urgent letter from a reader –- a former teacher –- warning about the danger of leftist activism in schools. Here is what Amy had to say: Sir, I’m a mom and a former teacher, and the direction we are going is very concerning to me. There used to be the understanding that crazy ideas would not get far. Unfortunately, now there are too many crazy ideas and they are not going away. Now we have reached the point where if you don’t stand up […]

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What Are The Best Egg Laying Chickens For Your Family Farm?

What Are The Best Egg Laying Chickens For Your Family Farm? Chickens lay eggs all year round – with a highly productive hen, you’re looking at 200 or more eggs per year. So choose your breeds wisely and you’ll be a well-stocked homesteader, egg-wise, with only a couple of chickens in your flock. Check out this great infographic:   Here we will focus on the top six breeds to choose from. 1. Plymouth Rock Good To Know: * Class: American * Size: Heavy * Hardy in winter: Yes Egg Facts: * Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week) * Egg Color: Brown […]

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Homemade BBQ Sauce Recipes

Homemade BBQ Sauce Recipes There is no reason to buy BBQ Sauce when you can make it easily and from scratch with good wholesome ingredients. Making BBQ sauce is not hard, you can learn how quickly and easily. In general, most BBQ sauces only entail mixing ingredients and letting them sit in the refrigerator for a day or so to allow the flavors to blend. Occasionally, some recipes will call for you to cook the ingredients. Once you try a few different recipes, you should try making your own sauce with the ingredients that you and your family love best. […]

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Workers Are People, Not Mice

Workers Are People, Not Mice By Rep. Ronald Nate – District 34 The world is a bit hysterical these days, there is a palatable fear about the virus and public health.  But we must be careful to prevent fear from destroying freedom. People should not be forced into medical decisions they are not comfortable with—especially in an experimental setting. The Declaration of Independence states “…all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”  The phrase is well known and mostly-honored in America.  […]

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