Bubba Wallace – The Rest of the Story

Bubba Wallace – The Rest of the Story by Shari Dovale Bubba Wallace, the only black professional driver for NASCAR, made headlines recently when he claimed that a noose was found in his team’s garage stall at Talladega Superspeedway. Wallace called the situation a “despicable act of racism and hatred” This charge was taken very seriously by NASCAR officials, as it should have been. They launched an immediate investigation and called the FBI to take charge. NASCAR then made their support of Wallace a promotional event, with drivers and their teams walking with Wallace on the speedway, and officials adding […]

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Calling GOD a Racist

Calling GOD a Racist by Shari Dovale The extreme radicals on the Left are taking their anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-freedom agenda to new heights. They are now trying to ban Christianity by calling God a racist. This actually has been ongoing for many years. In 2009, Christian symbols had to be covered up if the 44th President was expected to speak. Officials at Georgetown University covered a monogram symbolizing the name of Jesus because it was inscribed on the stage where the president spoke Tuesday. The White House asked for all symbols to be covered at the lecture hall. Later, after […]

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Globalization – Pure Evil

Globalization – Pure Evil by Karen Schumacher System Innovations (SI) is an online platform that tackles complex problems through systems science and technologies, changing the structure of a system rather than through individual parts.  Some of these systems include agriculture, education, and transportation from “around the world”.  Members include individuals from many countries and large U.S. cities such as New York, Seattle, and San Francisco.  This organization intends to “ReThink everything”, including the social, health, financial, urban, security, energy, water, and even political systems of the world.  COVID19 itself has even become an excuse to “ReThink” everything.  No small coincidence […]

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IFF Aligns With Conservative Principles

IFF Aligns With Conservative Principles Editorial by Bryan Smith Later this month, Republicans state-wide will gather for their convention to elect leaders and once again adopt their Idaho Republican Party Platform (IRPP). Many people don’t realize grass roots Republicans review and approve the IRPP every summer before a fall general election because the IRPP serves as the gold standard for Republican beliefs ahead of a general election. I recently wrote an article about how the first four principles of the Idaho Freedom Foundation Index (IFFI) used to grade proposed legislation closely resemble portions of the IRPP. This article addresses the […]

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Rep. Fulcher Introduces Resolution In Response to Potential Police Defunding

Rep. Fulcher Introduces Resolution In Response to Potential Police Defunding WASHINGTON, D.C.— Congressman Russ Fulcher introduced the Second Amendment for Everyone (SAFE) Resolution of 2020 to expresses the importance of preserving Americans’ fundamental right to self-defense in the wake of calls to dismantle and/or defund local police departments. Specifically, the SAFE Resolution asks local governments who choose to dismantle or defund local police departments, to undertake a review ensuring their local gun permitting process does not place an undue burden on its residents. “I support the right of Americans to own and responsibly use firearms—particularly during a time when the […]

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Submitting to Anarchy

Submitting to Anarchy by Pete Ketcham For the first time in our history, certain state governors and city mayors are submitting to unlawful mob activities, and social demands of street protesters. What we are seeing in Seattle is the illegal control of private property of citizens, with the underlying threat of violence to those citizens if they resist the “takeover”. What is astounding, is this is all happening with the approval of the mayor (Jenny Durkan) who has ordered the police to stand down, and not interfere. There are other examples of this violence and social pressure throughout certain cities […]

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Bonner County v. Sandpoint – Update on the Firearms Festival Lawsuit

Bonner County v. Sandpoint – Update on the Firearms Festival Lawsuit By Scott Herndon There was a hearing today in the Bonner County v. Sandpoint case. The subject of the hearing was supposed to be arguments for the dueling motions from both sides for summary judgment. Instead, the judge raised the question of whether there was a justiciable issue before the court since the 2020 Festival has been canceled, and there is not yet a lease for the 2021 season. He asked, and the parties agreed to file briefings on that narrow question by July 24. While he admitted the […]

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The Root of Division is the Sandpoint Mayor

  The Root of Division is the Sandpoint Mayor In 2012, my family chose Sandpoint as its new home. We found the people friendly, the town quaint, inviting, and safe, and where we could express ourselves without repercussion. Fast forward to 2020, where the seeds of division—planted early in his first term with labels like “Nazi” and “racist” for describing the good people of our region whose only sin is holding opposing views—are being further sown by Sandpoint’s mayor: in solidarity with the extremists who’ve forcefully commandeered several city blocks in Seattle, he’s hopped into lockstep with the stokers of […]

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Governor Brad Little is not upholding the First Amendment

Governor Brad Little is not upholding the First Amendment Governor Brad Little is not upholding the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution! “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; … or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, …” He denied us the right to go to church or to peaceably assemble. He is also not upholding the Idaho State Constitution: Section 1. INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF MAN. All men … have certain inalienable rights, among which are… defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing and protecting property…. (businesses closed down…) Section […]

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Of The People – Maximum Democratic Principles

Of The People – Maximum Democratic Principles Part 3 of 3 Editorial by Boyd Evan White In the year 2020, has the implementation of Democratic Principles been perfected? Has every angle of making our government “Of the People” been assessed? Listening to those who bandy the phrases “Our Democracy” and “Western Democracy” you would think the structures are already in place. I suspect there is certain amount of “resting on the laurels” in that respect. Take, for instance, the Supreme Court of the USA. A circumspect eye should be cast to the fact one of the three Departments of the […]

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Liberate America Rally – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Episode 20-21 Liberate America Rally – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-eimvg-dfdf59 Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors […]

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Heads Up Idaho

Heads Up Idaho by Karen Schumacher In 2018, then Department of Interior (DOI) Secretary, Ryan Zinke, issued Secretarial Order (SO) 3362 which, among other things, called for states to begin the process of identifying wildlife migration corridors “on federal lands” and “harmonize State fish and game management and Federal land management of big-game winter range and corridors.” Several states such as Wyoming and Oregon have moved forward with supporting this SO, Idaho has been fairly quiet, until now.  It seems there has been some typical behind the scenes activity between the federal government and Idaho Fish & Game (IDFG).  In […]

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A Chilling Comparison

A Chilling Comparison by Pete Ketcham Over the years I have read numerous books and articles concerning the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party in the 1930’s in Germany, and also Mussolini and his Black Shirts in Italy. As I compare the events and tactics that placed Hitler and his (Brown Shirts) Nazi party in power, I see a chilling comparison to the events that are taking place today in our nation concerning the Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The following are some of these similarities: (A) Hitler, using the media propaganda, posters, schools, and other means was able […]

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Idahoans for the Recall of Governor Brad Little

Idahoans for the Recall of Governor Brad Little is a statewide grassroots recall effort born of the conviction that the Governor’s stay-at-home directives violated cherished, basic civil liberties enshrined in our Bill of Rights. We have been denied the foundational rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom to worship – denied. Freedom of assembly – denied. Freedom to work – denied. The right to due process – denied. The right to a jury trial – denied. Right to privacy – denied. Access to public property – denied. Access to education – denied. Governor Little has also threatened […]

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Clear Vision – Insurgency kicking down the Door

Episode 20-20 Clear Vision – Insurgency kicking down the Door   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the […]

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The Idaho Freedom Foundation Measures Promises Made

The Idaho Freedom Foundation Measures Promises Made During the recent election cycle, some were critical of the Idaho Freedom Foundation Index (IFFI) which scores how legislators vote. Some voices proclaimed the IFFI is an extreme hard right ideology out of step with “common sense” Idaho conservative values. These and similar statements often are made by liberals masquerading as Republicans hoping that Republican voters will discount the IFFI. The 12 IFFI principles used to score how legislators vote are closely aligned with the Idaho Republican Party Platform (IRPP.) Let’s look at the first four of these principles. The first IFFI principle […]

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There is no Limit, it is Only the Beginning

There is no Limit, it is Only the Beginning by Pete Ketcham It is now clearly evident, that the Democrat party has no limitations on what they will do, or who they will support in their quest to get rid of Trump and promote their socialist agenda. The democrat opposition to Trump and the conservatives is becoming increasingly dangerous as they align with and support violent movements such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter (who openly call for “frying cops like bacon”), and others. The looters & rioters have been greatly encouraged by the Democrat’s permissive response to their unlawful activities, […]

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The Political Church: Successful Antifa Standoff In Idaho

The Political Church With Lady Liberty: Episode 2: Successful Antifa Standoff In Idaho “The Political Church with Lady Liberty” is the call to God’s Christian Church to walk their faith where the battle is being waged right now= politics and American Government!  Now more than ever in American History, the church needs to engage and fight to keep God in America and in our political and governmental institutions, as the goal of our communist enemies is “To dethrone God and destroy Capitalism”. The two greatest Commandments are to Love God and to love your brother as yourself.  This broadcast describes […]

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Black Lives Matter Issues 5 Demands

Black Lives Matter Issues 5 Demands by Shari Dovale We have watched the riots being instigated by the Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs throughout the country. Knowing they are all about the destruction of the Republic, via the removal of all law enforcement, we still waited to see them actually voice this stance. These goons have picked up on the anonymous and encrypted apps to communicate, like Signal and Telegram. The currently have a central channel running on the Telegram app called “The BLM Revolution of 2020” with several sub-channels for various cities. They use these channels to communicate […]

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Broadwater County Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty

Broadwater County Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty By Tim Ravndal The quest for accountability of elected officials continue to hold front and center in Broadwater County. Commissioner Laura Obert appeared in Montana First Judicial Court before Judge Mike Menehan on charges brought forward by special counsel. Judge Mike Menehan Covid-19 has caused many communities to struggle with providing services to the citizens.  In Broadwater County Montana there has been a long string of violations of public trust where elected officials violate the rights of the citizens. In Broadwater County, multiple citizen complaints made their way through the judicial process for several […]

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Patriot Advertiser of the Year Award Winner!

Patriot Advertiser of the Year Award Winner! by Shari Dovale Liberate America is a family-friendly, fun-filled Freedom Loving event scheduled for June 13th in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds. Doors open in the morning and the event will run through 10pm. A full day of Fun and Freedom! The schedule promises an event to remember! Speakers from several states, a live auction, vendors galore, a petting zoo for the kids and much more! After the recent lockdown of the state, everyone is ready for some Freedom! Join with like-minded individuals to learn more about your rights! Yes, […]

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The Covid-19 Shell Game Continues In Montana

Granite County Officials Discuss The Rights Of The People By Tim Ravndal We covered a recent meeting in Gallatin County Montana where a new rule/policy was adopted by a majority of the members of the County Health Board.  A single member dissented on the decision citing the fear that there is no sunset on the rule or limits on potential violations of the citizens rights. Many citizens across Montana have made claims against government holding meetings that violate the rights of the people.  Under the Constitution of Montana, Article II Sections 8 & 9 provide for the right to participate […]

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Defunding the Democrat Party

Defunding the Democrat Party by Pete Ketcham In a previous article I had set out three objectives concerning the Democratic party that had to be accomplished in order to bring our nation back to it’s original constitutional basis. Those three objectives are as follows: * A: Take control of the education system, and return it back to it’s former faith based foundation. At present it has become an indoctrination institution for the socialist/LGBT agenda of the Democrat party”. * B: Neutralize the liberal mainstream news media which has evolved into a propaganda agency for the Democrat party. This is not […]

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An American Redoubt Smack Down

An American Redoubt Smack Down by Shari Dovale Watching the wanton destruction throughout the country this week has stirred the nerves of everyone. Seeing the senseless damage and violence in the urban areas reminds us that their are forces bigger than most fighting to take down our country. Reports of anarchists burning down homes with children inside, then blocking firefighters from rescuing these children, prove these allegations to be true. But the people of the American Redoubt, and Idaho patriots specifically, were not about to let that happen in their communities. When word was received that Antifa was coming to […]

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