Presentation in Priest River, Rep. Scott and Atty. Smith

Presentation in Priest River, Rep. Heather Scott and Atty. Sean Smith     The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Presentation in Priest River, Rep. […]

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The Political Church with Lady Liberty

The Political Church with Lady Liberty Episode 1: Introduction   Liberty State Radio has now changed to “The Political Church, with Lady Liberty“. Changing focus to call American Christians to bring their walk of faith into the battlefield of supporting our traditional American Government by engaging in the political realm. Perilous times with the Godless Communist and Socialist Party attempting to take over our nation is going to require every Christian to get on board to preserve our traditional Christian way of life in the USA. Please join me each week as we call the church to join us in […]

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Radio Free Redoubt – Americas Cities Burn

Episode 20-19 Americas Cities Burn   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments […]

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Citizens Call Foul In Gallatin County Montana

Citizens Call Foul In Gallatin County Montana By Tim Ravndal Many citizens have been working hard to get facts from government officials across Montana regarding the “Pandemic.”  In that quest most, if not all, traditional methods for the people to participate in government actions has been placed on hold or eliminated due to the Covid-19 Lock Down. County officials have been scrambling to keep in tune with Governor Bullock’s directive on the perceived danger associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Phase Normal Because no law can be found to completely comply with the executive orders issued by Governor Bullock, local health […]

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Of The People – Value Of Quorums – Texas Example

Of The People – Value Of Quorums – Texas Example Part 2 of 3 Editorial by Boyd Evan White The phrases “Our Democracy” and “Western Democracy” try so hard to sound inclusive. Inclusion is not demonstrated just because a system of voting exists; inclusion is demonstrated by the actual number of people who register and vote. If 90% of the people vote in an instance it might be observed that would satisfy any quorum; regardless of what the outcome may be. However, if only 10% of the people vote that could hardly be said to meet any prudent quorum; and […]

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While You Weren’t Looking – The Dems Hijacked Our Government

While You Weren’t Looking – The Dems Hijacked Our Government by Shari Dovale While the media keeps the country distracted on the Covid-19(84) Plandemic, the Dems are hijacking our government. Between the mail in votes and our government turning proxy, we seem to have lost completely! It began with the mail-in voter scam. This is the most egregious way of slapping the American people and telling them they are not worth anything. I defy any Democrat to name a single sovereign country, anywhere in the world, that allows non-citizens to choose their leaders. Any Country! Yet, through this Fake News […]

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Freedom is the Cure Rally 2

Freedom is the Cure Rally 2   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Freedom is the Cure Rally 2 appeared first on Redoubt News.

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This is Not Normal and Not ALL in this together

Episode 20-18 This is Not Normal and Not ALL in this together   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed […]

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Liberty State Radio – Final Episode- God Bless Liberty State!

Liberty State Radio Episode 34: Final Episode- God Bless Liberty State!   Contact us at [email protected] Continue to follow Lady Liberty as she carries on to help the other states to divide their states in the same manner as Liberty State, and to order her book, “Liberty State; The Blueprint for the USA” and her follow-up book, “The Political Church”. Both will be available through in their online gear store. I will also be continuing on through the podcast titled, “The Political Church, with Lady Liberty” as well as co-host on the John Jacob Schmidt Show in segment 4, […]

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Broadwater County Commissioner Faces Charges

The Chickens Come Home to Roost Broadwater County Commissioner Faces Charges By Tim Ravndal Over a period of multiple years, the citizens of Montana’s Broadwater County have sought accountability from County Commissioner Laura Obert.  In those efforts, there have been many legal questions raised but those questions have been stymied by a system that is often overwhelmed with cases from across the county. Broadwater County Commissioners In 2012, citizens of Broadwater County brought forward a felony fraud case against the county.  In that case, DES coordinator Bill Fleiner was charged with illegally using tax dollars in his position to benefit Paradigm […]

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On Memorial Day Weekend

On Memorial Day weekend, let us think about the soldiers and families who have sacrificed their lives and loved ones, and given their time and dedication to our country. This is an excerpt from Janine Turner’s essay from Constituting America: No matter which war, they all fought the enemy, and….the enemy knew that he would not prevail against men and women who had the Divine right of liberty in their soul, passion in their hearts and the supreme strength of military readiness. Memorial Day is the day to set aside time and sit down with our children and teach them […]

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Idaho State Police Turn Gestapo For Gov. Chicken Little

Idaho State Police Turn Gestapo For Gov. Chicken Little by Shari Dovale The Hardware Brewing Company employees in Kendrick, Idaho are trying to provide for their families, as is every little business in Idaho, and around the country. Governor Brad Little has taken this power grab, called it an emergency, and went way too far. Putting the small businesses out of business is the order of the day for Little, and he is using his thugs at the Idaho State Police to “get’er done!” Kendrick is a small community in Latah County, in the middle of Idaho. It has a […]

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County Officials Deny Access To Public Land

County Officials Deny Access To Public Land By Tim Ravndal Protection of the rights of the people is founded with local government.  It is at the City and County level where the people elect their representatives to ensure that their rights are protected without compromise.  Unfortunately those rights also fall into the hands of college educated legal professionals. From the beginning, when Montana became a State, local government was established to administer the affairs of the sovereign state.  In that process elected officials worked through a process to resolve disputes between citizens while recognizing the Constitutional Rights of everyone. The […]

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Commentary on some of the news items in the Redoubt.

Episode 1 – Commentary on some of the news items in the Redoubt.   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Commentary on some of […]

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Covid Tyranny Updates Both Sides Double Down

Episode 20-17 Covid Tyranny Updates Both Sides Double Down   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors […]

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Freedom Rally – Interview With Caleb Collier

Freedom Rally – Interview With Caleb Collier The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Freedom Rally – Interview With Caleb Collier appeared first on Redoubt […]

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Freedom Rally, Interview with Rep. Matt Shea

Freedom Rally 05/15/2020 The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Freedom Rally, Interview with Rep. Matt Shea appeared first on Redoubt News.

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Of The People – Democratic Principles and Democracy

Of The People – Democratic Principles and Democracy Part 1 By: Boyd Evan White When talking politics, it is common to hear references to “Our Democracy” and “Western Democracy.” Those phrases are oblique; they are hypnotic attempts to sound altruistic with the further insinuation that if you don’t use them then you must believe in privileged people and subsections of society. Since the U.S. Constitution clearly guarantees that States will have a Republican form of government it is technically easy to refute the references to “Our Democracy” and “Western Democracy”; moreover, the words Democracy and Democratic do not occur in […]

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The Hard Reality Remains

The Hard Reality Remains By Pete Ketcham Introduction Looking back in WW2 history it was clearly evident that the allies (US, England & Russia) realized that they would have to invade occupied France and Germany if they were to ever win the war against Hitler and the Nazis party. It had been obvious that Hitler was not going to stop his aggression against European countries, and he had proven that he was a deceiver, a liar, and could not be trusted in any negotiation effort. The hard reality was: Hitler’s ability to wage war had to be permanently terminated, or […]

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Deep State Manipulation at the Local Level

Deep State Manipulation at the Local Level by Shari Dovale The voters of Legislative District 4 in Washington State have been forced into limbo by their Republican(?) leaders in Olympia since December 19, 2019. That was the day they released the sordid, yet unproven allegations against Rep. Matt Shea. Minority Leader JT Wilcox held onto the Rampart Report for as long as he could while making his plans on how he could force Shea to resign. He was not alone. It has been proven today, through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, that there was a conspiracy to deprive the […]

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Commissioner Bradshaw has “Earned his Keep”

Commissioner Bradshaw has “Earned his Keep” I did not know Steve Bradshaw before he ran for County Commissioner in 2018, but observing him during forums and public meetings told me that he was not your run-of-the-mill political candidate. He made his platform very clear: fiscally and socially conservative, small-government-oriented, opposed to heaping more property taxes on us, and looking to do away with onerous regulations. He said upfront he would not take the upcoming pay raise (and held to it). As a supporter of CANSS, I also appreciated his clear stand against the proposed silicon smelter. He never used the […]

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Steve Bradshaw Standing by his Promises

Steve Bradshaw Standing by his Promises If you are a conservative Republican in Bonner County, please join me in voting for Steve Bradshaw for County Commissioner. He is that rare elected official who has held to what he promised before his election two years ago. Those promises resonated with Bonner County and were what got him elected. Fiscally responsible and accountable to his constituents, he has since declined to accept the offered pay raise, declined to saddle property owners with foregone taxes, and can be counted on to be a staunch defender of the Constitution. Oddly, standing by his promises […]

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Re-elect Sage Dixon

Re-elect Sage Dixon During this time of forced closures and confusing information, Sage Dixon proved once again that he is involved with and cares about small business in North Idaho. When I contacted him regarding clarification of Little’s shut down orders and some particulars regarding my business, he responded to me immediately,  and had the answers and resolution for me from Boise in the same day. Sage Dixon has kept all of his campaign promises during his term in office and always makes himself available for his constituents who need help. This is why Sage Dixon has my vote! Anita […]

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Steve Bradshaw Is A Winner!

Steve Bradshaw Is A Winner! Bonner County got itself a winner when the voters voted for Steve Bradshaw for Commissioner in 2018.  As a first time candidate, his authenticity, candor in outlining objectives, and genuine interest in serving the County shone through and was rewarded with a decisive win. He has since put emphasis on fulfilling his campaign promises.  We saw him voting for private property rights, voting not to add to our property tax burden, voting for reducing the budget.  He even declined to   take a salary increase  himself.  He works to keep the expenses down. Those who regularly […]

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