Fox News Special Report’s panel discussed the midnight monument designation by the Obama Administration.

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Former Assemblywoman Michele Fiore will run for Las Vegas City Council

Former Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore intends to run for Las Vegas City Council in 2017, she confirmed to the Review-Journal on Thursday.

Fiore, a Republican with a knack for grabbing national headlines, will be gunning for the Ward 6 seat currently occupied by Steve Ross.

Ross has held the seat since 2005, but is term-limited. Fiore will be running against Ross’ wife, Kelli Ross, who previously announced her intent to run, as well as Clark County School Board Trustee Chris Garvey, who confirmed to the Review-Journal this month her intentions to run.

Fiore said she’s been mulling a city council run since the summer.

“We’ve been talking about it for a while,” Fiore said. “I think it’s just a natural progression. Since Ward 6 overlaps my assembly district, it just makes sense.”

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Jon Ritzheimer To Question Informant Mark McConnell In upcoming Harassment Hearing

I have some questions for Mark McConnell concerning his role as an informant and if that role includes threatening me while I’m having dinner – says Ritzheimer. If this guy is still on the payroll I think I have a right to know, especially if he is going to approach me with a weapon and challenge me to a fight. Is he following me around Phoenix in an ongoing FBI effort to implicate me in some kind of wrong-doing or is he just harassing me because he enjoys being a bully? He’ll be under oath and I look forward to finally being able to ask this guy some questions …

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Oregon Occupation A Year Later: Ranch Family At Center Of Debate Was ‘Scared To Death’

Susie Hammond closely tracked the Bundy trial in Portland.

She hoped it would help people learn about her family’s battle with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, “where people who didn’t live in Burns, Oregon would see what’s going on way out here in the weeds.”

The trial offered a window into the obstacles ranchers face, she said. Arrogant federal bureaucracies that brush aside local voices, break promises and ignore or impose rules because they can.

“Bundy helped draw attention to these problems,” she said. “I was hoping something positive was going to come out of this that would make it possible for private property owners and public administration to be able to get along and be productive.”

That hasn’t happened, she acknowledged.

Hammond Ranches is in the middle of appealing the land bureau’s refusal in 2014 to renew the company’s 10-year grazing permit.

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Judge Denies Oregon Standoff Defendant Ryan Payne’s Motion To Withdraw Guilty Plea

Calling it a classic example of “buyer’s remorse,” a federal judge Wednesday denied Oregon standoff defendant Ryan Payne’s motion to withdraw his guilty plea to a conspiracy charge stemming from the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown, in a 32-page ruling, found that Payne’s guilty plea in the Oregon refuge occupation case was not contingent on a plea agreement reached in his federal prosecution in Nevada, as his defense lawyer had argued.

“Although Payne apparently desired to enter into agreements that would resolve both this case and the case against him in the District of Nevada, the plea agreement and guilty plea in this case were, as noted, explicitly independent of any contemplated or anticipated agreement in the District of Nevada,” Brown wrote, citing statements by a prosecutor made during Payne’s plea hearing before her in July.

Payne entered the plea in the Oregon case in July based on a global offer pending in the Nevada case, his lawyer wrote in his motion. When an agreement in the Nevada case wasn’t reached, Payne, 33, asked to withdraw the plea and seek a jury trial in Oregon, his assistant federal public defender, Rich Federico, wrote.

Payne, one of the 26 people indicted on a conspiracy charge in the seizure of the eastern Oregon wildlife refuge, sought to withdraw his guilty plea two weeks before a federal jury acquitted Ammon Bundy and six co-defendants of the Malheur conspiracy and weapons charges.

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Presidential Proclamation — Establishment of the Gold Butte National Monument

In southeast Nevada lies a landscape of contrast and transition, where dramatically chiseled red sandstone, twisting canyons, and tree-clad mountains punctuate flat stretches of the Mojave Desert. This remote and rugged desert landscape is known as Gold Butte.

The Gold Butte area contains an extraordinary variety of diverse and irreplaceable scientific, historic, and prehistoric resources, including vital plant and wildlife habitat, significant geological formations, rare fossils, important sites from the history of Native Americans, and remnants of our Western mining and ranching heritage. The landscape reveals a story of thousands of years of human interaction with this harsh environment and provides a rare glimpse into the lives of Nevada’s first inhabitants, the rich and varied indigenous cultures that followed, and the eventual arrival of Euro-American settlers. Canyons and intricate rock formations are a stunning backdrop to the area’s famously beautiful rock art, and the desert provides critical habitat for the threatened Mojave desert tortoise.

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President Obama Declares Gold Butte A National Monument

President Barack Obama stepped into a swirling land-use controversy in Nevada on Wednesday and declared a swath of desert known as Gold Butte a national monument.

The declaration places 300,000 acres of land under the protection of the Bureau of Land Management. Obama used the Antiquities Act to shelter land between Lake Mead and the Grand Canyon.

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With New Monuments In Nevada, Utah, Obama Adds To His Environmental Legacy

President Obama on Tuesday created new national monuments in a sacred tribal site in southeastern Utah and in a swath of Nevada desert, after years of political fights over the fate of the sites.

The designations further cement Obama’s environmental legacy as one of the most consequential — and contentious — in presidential history. He now has invoked his executive power to create national monuments 29 times during his tenure, establishing or expanding protections for more than 553 million acres of federal lands and waters.

Environmental groups have praised the conservation efforts, but critics say they amount to a federal land grab. Some worry that the new designations could fuel another armed protest by anti-government forces inspired by the Cliven Bundy family, such as the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon this year.

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The FBI caught red-handed with bogus evidence against Pete Santilli

On March 2nd 2016 the federal government filed a Superseding Criminal Indictment (Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 27 Filed 03/02/16) naming radio talk show host Peter Santilli as a defendant. The original “Criminal Complaint” was signed off on February 11, 2016 by Joel P. Willis of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Since his arrest by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on January 26, 2016 in Burns, Oregon, Santilli has discovered and documented that on numerous occasions, the FBI maliciously and intentionally fabricated evidence against him. Pete Santilli is a journalist being held hostage by the Obama administration’s justice department; in fact, prosecutors have confirmed that Attorney General Loretta Lynch authorized Santilli’s arrest.

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Backers Of Nevada Control Of Us Land Gear Up For New Push

They’re starting with plans to convince a skeptical public that state control of nearly 7.3 million acres under the U.S. Bureau of Land Management wouldn’t disrupt hunting, wildlife and off-highway riding — or stick taxpayers with big bills for fighting wildfires.

“If they put this on the ballot today it would fail,” said Nevada state Sen. Pete Goicoechea, R-Eureka, who supports the effort.

“We are just looking for the opportunity to showcase the state can manage these lands better,” he told the Reno Gazette-Journal.

The most detailed plan is a former bill sponsored in Congress by U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., called the Honor the Nevada Enabling Act of 1864.

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One Year Ago Today

On December 27, 2015 – we left our home to cover a rally in Burns, Oregon. Our plan was to stay a few days —

Pete never came home.

Pete often tells me that for those who weren’t there in Burns time has moved on, for those who were he is sure they still think of it often but have had some sense of closure.

Those who were blessed enough to be released from jail before going to trial the nightmare still lingers but at least they can be thankful for breathing the fresh air and being with Families.

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Locked Out

Her husband will never return to trail the cows to winter range again, but Jeanette Finicum is determined that she will get the job done, eventually.

Although she’s provided a check to fully cover fines assessed over the last year, the Arizona rancher continues to be locked out of both her winter and summer grazing ranges.

Jeanette, whose husband Robert “LaVoy” Fincium was shot and killed by Oregon State Troopers last January, has managed grazing decisions on their northern Arizona ranch alone since his Jan. 26, 2016 death.

Pounding staples, doctoring sick calves and putting out mineral are on Jeanette’s list of tasks to complete throughout the year. Those are the easy jobs. She can soon add a much more painful item to the list: filing suit against the Bureau of Land Management. She plans to file suit within the next two weeks.

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Obama Loses Merrick Garland Battle — But Reshapes Federal Courts For Decades To Come

President Obama has reshaped the federal courts for decades to come with a record number of women and minorities appointed to lifetime judgeships, despite losing his high-profile battle over the U.S. Supreme Court this year.

Of the more than 340 judges nominated by Mr. Obama and confirmed by the Senate, about 42 percent are women, 19 percent are black and 11 percent are Hispanic — more female and minority appointees than any other president. Mr. Obama also has appointed at least 11 federal judges who are openly gay, another record.

Along the way, the president has turned nine of the 13 key federal appeals courts into majority-Democrat courts. When he came into office in 2009, only one of the circuit courts was majority Democrat.

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Informant Mark McConnell Receives Surprise Christmas Gift From Activist Jon Ritzheimer

MERRY CHRISTMAS MARK McCONNELL12-25-16 – Guerilla Media Network – LLCMERRY CHRISTMAS MARK McCONNELLInformant Mark McConnell Ordered To Stop HarassmentOn Tuesday – October 11th, 2016 – Jon Ritzheimer was sitting at a outside table at Nana Tee’s restaurant in Phoenix Arizona with friends when he was suddenly assaulted by Mark McConnell and girlfriend Shannon Vita, who were  armed and ready to fight.McConnell, was revealed to be a key informant during the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge trials in Portland Oregon who helped Oregon State Troopers and the FBI set up a deadly roadblock which resulted in the death of Mr. Ritzheimer’s long time friend and fellow activist, Arizona Rancher,  LaVoy […]

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Ryan Bundy’s Filed Response to the Governments Rebuttal from the 12-13-16 Hearing

Ryan Bundy’s Hearing on 12-23-16 was a hearing to rule on his Motion to reopen his Detention Hearing. After Government Responded to his Motion, he filed his response to the Government. (attached). It is my opinion as an Observer in the hearings that his actions, response and rebuttal in Court was even more significant.

After requesting permission from the Magistrate, he led the courtroom in a prayer. He was confident and authoritative but respectful in his comments and presentation to the Judge.

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Homeland Security Threatens To Arrest Bundy Ranch Supporters On Public Property!!!

12-23-16 Las Vegas, Nevada. Earlier in 2016 when patriots showed up for preliminary hearings and other court dates for the Patriot Political Prisoners being held in Detention pending trial on grand jury federal indictments, the rallies were well attended and the stairs in front of the Las Vegas Nevada District Federal Court House, was where patriots rallied to show their support and draw attention to the issues and their plight.

Early 2016 Rally in Support of the Patriot Political Prisoners during Preliminary Hearings in La Vegas Nevada
It has always been done with respect and courtesy to those moving through the area. People were careful to not impede anyones access. Either walking down the street or in and out of the court house via the steps. As court activity is finally starting occur again, the desire to support and rally for the Patriot Political Prisoners at the courthouse has started to move back from the regular rallies at the Pahrump Detention Center where the P3’s have been for almost a year now in detainment (un convicted) custody.

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Ryan Bundy asks judge in Las Vegas to free him pending trial on standoff charges

Ryan Bundy, a son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, argued before a judge Friday that he should be released from federal custody as he awaits charges stemming from the 2014 armed standoff near Bunkerville.
Bundy, arguing on his own behalf, told U.S. Magistrate Judge George Foley Jr. in Las Vegas that he can’t adequately prepare for his case while detained and asserted that his right to a speedy trial have been violated.

“I am not afraid of the truth,” said Bundy, 44. “I just want the truth brought out.”

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Scott Walker’s Call to Arms

The Wisconsin governor has asked Trump to restore the balance of federal and state power. Here’s why all states should rally to his call.

America owes President Barack Obama an enormous debt of gratitude for showing how truly dangerous the federal government can be when our Constitution’s checks and balances start failing. With the active collusion of congressional Democrats, President Obama’s presidency has been one long series of body blows to the separation of powers that has protected our democracy since the Founding. The results have been stark. Never has a president trampled so much on the prerogatives of Congress. Obama’s executive orders, suspending parts of our immigration laws and even his own prized Obamacare, have been sheer usurpations, going far beyond even the breathtaking delegations of legislative authority granted by the brief Democratic supermajority in Congress in 2009–10.

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A year after refuge takeover, quieter land battle unfolds

JOHN DAY, Ore. — On a recent wintry evening, members of the Grant County Public Forest Commission walked into the warmth of a rustic diner and took seats at their customary table for their bimonthly meeting.

They voiced anger and frustration. At this meeting, they were officially a non-entity.

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Bundy case defendant seeks identity of undercover FBI agent

Attorneys are quick to point out the AGENT’S NAME used in court documents is a pseudonym, so don’t be fooled into thinking the AGENT is a man, however they suspect that it is.

The Prosecution says the AGENT does not live or work in the District of Nevada and works solely in a undercover capacity.
The person is a AGENT not an INFORMANT.

The person in question WOULD NOT have a criminal history.

This person would have probably been physically fit, possibly bragged about a Military or Law Enforcement background, and gotten very close to the family and other protestors in order to gather information.

It is EXTREMELY possible this person is or was a member of a III%, MILITIA, OATHKEEPER, or BORDER PATROL ORGANIZATION.

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Feds add misdemeanor charges: trespass,tampering w/vehicles and equipment,destruction &removal of prop against some of #oregonstandoff defs.

Portland Oregon – Feds add misdemeanor charges: trespass,tampering w/vehicles and equipment,destruction &removal of prop against some of #oregonstandoff defs.

Charges for 4 Counts of Tampering with Vehicles and Equipment, 1 Count of Destruction and Removal of Property and 1 Count of Removal of Property.

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Tier 3 Bundy Ranch Defendants Submit Jury Selection Questions

COMES NOW the defendants, ERIC PARKER, by and through his attorney of record, JESS R. MARCHESE, ESQ., STEVEN STEWART, by and through his attorney of record, RICHARD TANASI, ESQ., O. SCOTT DREXLER, by and through his attorney of record, TODD LEVENTHAL, ESQ., RICHARD LOVELEIN, by and through his attorney of record, SHAWN PEREZ, ESQ., GREGORY BURLESON, by through his attorney of record, TERRANCE JACKSON, ESQ., TODD ENGEL, by and through his attorney of record, JOHN GEORGE, ESQ., hereby file their joint proposed voir dire.

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Judge Brown’s written order, denying Jason Patrick’s motion to dismiss #oregonstandoff indictment

Portland Oregon – Judge Anna Brown has issued an order denying Jason Patrick’s Motion (#1599) to dismiss superseding indictment: prosecutorial misconduct and motion (#1601) to dismiss count one: collateral estoppel.

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Conservatives pursue ally in Donald Trump in Western land disputes

SALT LAKE CITY — Conservatives who have long complained about the government’s control of vast Western lands hope they will have a new ally in President-elect Donald Trump, who has sent mixed signals about how he might manage land and whether he would relinquish federal authority over millions of acres.

Trump has pledged to honor Theodore Roosevelt’s tradition of conservation in the West, with its expansive deserts, snow-capped mountain ranges and red-rock canyons. But he has also said he will “unleash” energy production there and has railed against “faceless, nameless bureaucrats” in land-management agencies.Dozens of demands for land handovers have surfaced in Western state legislatures in recent years, and more are sure to be offered in Congress during the Trump administration.

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